Art of Knowing Yourself - Challenge

I have been working on the idea of creating some challenge here on Steemit for a while now, and I always imagined it somewhat philosophical (surprised?! Me neither).

In one of the recent conversations, one of my friends here gave an idea to write one blog, and challenge others to do so as well. So that we can all see different approach to the subject of knowing yourself.


The idea came from old Greece, to be precise one of the writings on the Delphic maxims and was inscribed in the pronaos (forecourt) of the Temple of Apollo at Delphi, and it says (in translation):

Know Thyself

Later, something similar is said by the famous philosopher Socrates, I think he said it while he was on trial:

"The unexamined life is not worth living"

As you all know by now, I love philosophy, thinking and analyzing situations and life in general. But what I love more than anything is to analyze myself, my mind, thoughts and feelings. So, let's divide this challenge to three parts:

1. Why do you think it's important? (if you think so)
2. What do you know about yourself by now?
3. Nominations - challenge someone to do the same!


Of course, I will try to write it myself first, and here we go:

Why I think it's important to know yourself?

First of all, I want to be clear, I think it IS important. But I would like to see some other opinions on this subject. That's why I think this challenge could be interesting.

I, like many others, had some difficult times during my life, where it seemed like there is no way out. After a while, and a couple of those situations, I had no choice but to turn my attention inwards. And search for answers there, not in the outside world. I counted on the fact that the way I see the world is only my choice, and only I can decide what is the truth for me. If so, I thought it would be the best thing to bear it all and find out what is really there.

And there she was, one scared little girl, waiting for someone to protect her. That's when I started reading more on the subject, and really started to get to know ME, with all the good and the bad that came with it. In order to accept yourself just the way you are, you have to know what are you really made of.

What did I learn about myself so far?

That I make mistakes, and that it is OK to do so, as long as you are trying to do the best you can. I also found out just how impulsive I can be, rushing and judging situations and people before giving it a second chance. In the combination with my first discovery, that I make mistakes, this one came a little easier, we all make them.

I learned I feel the best when I say what I think, being careful not to hurt anyone's feelings, and my own. Being grateful and forgiving is the way I feel the best, and being the total opposite of what I used to be, someone who held grudges.

Who do I nominate?

Can you believe this was the hardest part? I wanted to hear so many of you, but we have to start somewhere. So let's hear it from:


Let's hear (read) it guys, I can't wait to see what you are going to write, because you are all so unique and different.

But, I would like to read about everyone who is willing and interested to participate. Make sure you tag me in your post, and leave me a comment, so that I don't miss on it.

You can use knowyourself tag as well!

With love,

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