North Korea - What happens to a journalist in North Korea or even just a tourist?(facts that you may did not know.


the Israeli Foreign Ministry issued a warning that anyone who entered North Korea would be at his own risk.

North Korean defense minister.

Now that the US has pulled out its sword to kill us, we too will pull out our great sword of justice as well and fight to the end, destroying American imperialists with our enormous and revolutionary power.Our nuclear forces are ready


In other words, Israel says - if they decide to throw you into hard labor - it's your problem dear tourists.
In North Korea, you have to behave well, and you can not turn your back to the leader's statue.
In each newspaper is the picture of the leader
And it is also forbidden to fold the picture, People in North Korea go to jail for absolute nonsense.

From the moment that a tourist enters North Korea until the last minute, he is under surveillance.

For example - on a bus, there is a supervisor behind and a supervisor in front.

There is no such thing as being left alone!

If you're just sitting somewhere or going to the bathroom, there'll be someone who checks what you're going to do.

In North Korea, they do not like tourists arriving and the camera on them all the time.

In North Korea each tourist is accompanied by two escorts.

Why two escorts? Because if one escort starts talking to the tourist he can inform on him if the escort

has said something wrong about the leaders or about the nation.

In North Korea some of your work is being an informer!!!

Every hotel has an entire floor and is a kind of war room where you listen to all the tourists all the time (not recommended to have sex with your partner in a room in a North Korean hotel lol)

Anything that a tourist will see in North Korea (especially a journalist) is a great show on a huge scale!

Every North Korean that participate in the huge show does not happen to meet tourists accidentally, and North Korea tries to show a picture as beautiful as possible to a tourist/journalist.

It's just a ten-day show designed to portray one of the poorest countries in the world as a success story

As a tourist,

your phone is completely disabled, and you can make outbound calls only from phones controlled by the dictatorial regime of North Korea, and of course there is no internet, the biggest enemy to such a regime is the internet, the outside world.

A journalist is forbidden to speak with people, and people are forbidden to talk to the journalist, they must not make eye contact with him.

One of the reporters who was there said,

"I saw how they harvest plants so that they have something to eat. All the food goes to the army, so they have something to drink. They collect the water from the rain straight from the puddles"

In North Korea they are not in 2017, they are in 105, the year in which leader Kim Il Sung was born.


So what do you think?

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