Happy lunar new year! 새해 복 많이 받으세요!


^^그림 그리기를 좋아하는 디어 도로시에요.
앞으로 매일 그림을 그려보려고요.

새해 복 많이 받으세요!
새해 음식 많이 드셨나요?
저는 할머니 댁에서 집안일 도와 드리면서, 이음식 저음식 집어먹다보니 배가 부르네요!
차례 지내는 중엔 보통 방에 들어가 있는데, 붓을 드는 습관이 베여 또 연습장을 꺼내 그린 거 있죠!

*참고로 저 강아지 위에 붙어있는 리본은, 숫자 '8'이에요.
'개'와 '8'의 해니까 두가지 포인트를 넣었어요~!

This is Dear Dorothy.
I like drawing and i would try to draw something everyday.

Happy Lunar New Year!
Are you eating a lot of New Year's food?
I ate many kinds of meals while I'm helping out around the house at Grandma's house so I'm stuffed with food.
I usually stay my grandma's room during ancestor's memorial ceremony.
but at this time i lifted the drawing pen because I get used to drawing something.

*For your information, the ribbon on the dog is the number 8.
Since it is the Year of 'Dog' and Year of '8', I highlighted two things on my drawing!

please understand that typo could be happen. i am not good at writing skill. so if you find some incorrect expression, please advise me. it will help me to improve my English ability.

By Dear Dorothy

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