The flower my grandmother love 할머니가 좋아하는 꽃


This is Dear Dorothy.
I like drawing and i would try to draw something everyday.

It is a flower that grandmother likes.
If she picked up a flower and planted it in a pot while she was on the way, the flowers used to be in full bloom!
The grandmother who makes it bloom might have the golden hand!
Spring is coming soon.
I think I'm going to be blinded by a pretty pot.

please understand that typo could be happen. i am not good at writing skill. so if you find some incorrect expression, please advise me. it will help me to improve my English ability.

^^그림 그리기를 좋아하는 디어 도로시에요.
앞으로 매일 그림을 그려보려고요.

외할머니가 좋아하는 꽃이에요
길 가다가도 꽃을 주워 화분에 심으면 꽃이 활짝~! 피게 만드는 할머니는 금손!^^
이제 곧 봄이 오겠네요.
예쁜 화분에 눈이 돌아갈 것 같아요.

By Dear Dorothy

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