[cartoon -#2 When you went to overseas without knowing how to speak English - 2] 영맹이 외국에 갔을때 (하)

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지난 편에 이어서, <영맹이 외국에 갔을때 - 하> 편 올립니다. 이 만화는 예전에 막 한국을 떠나서 호주에서 살았을때 그렸던 생활툰 입니다. 호주가 배경이예요 ^^

 ^^Hello everyone, I'm posting my old cartoons that I drew when I was living in AU :) This cartoon is talking about "When you went to overseas without knowing how to speak English - 2" 

지난편 보기 / Check out the previous story

호주에 간지 딱 이일째 되던 날이었네요. 부활절이라서 버스가 다니지 않는다는 사실을 모르고, 사람들이 열심히 설명해줘도 알아듣지 못해서 9시간 정도 걸었던 아주 무더운 날이었습니다.

이날 한 20명은 붙잡고 물어봤었고, 사람들은 친절했었죠. 비록 저는 잘 못알아 들었지만요! 

소통의 중요성이 얼마나 중요한지 깨닫게 해주는 날이었네요 ㅎㅎ

It was on the 2nd day just after I arrived in Australia. I lost away at the day, and I was looking for a bus to come back home. People tried to explain that there is no bus on Easter, but I didn't understand as I didn't speak English.

I walked 9 hours to find the direction, and it was a very hot day. This experience made me think about how important is communication.


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