걸스데이 '유라' 인물 소묘

안녕하세요 @cocacola40 입니다!

이 사진은 고등학교에서 연습했던 그림이에요.
처음으로 여자 인물화를 그리게 해준 장본인 걸스데이라는 그룹으로 활동하는 '유라'라는 연예인이에요!
고등학교 친구가 유라 팬이였는데 한번만 그려달라고 해서 그렸던 기억이 있네요.^^

항상 제 글을 봐주시고 많은 관심 감사합니다.
늘 발전해가겠습니다.


Hello, I'm majoring art in Korea college.
When I was in high school, I once had a problem with drawing be cause I was so poor at pencil drawing.
I drew much worse than other students, so I didn't get good grades.

The picture above is the one I practiced in high school.
Female portrait is an entertainer named 'Yura' who works as a group of girl entertainers in Korea called 'Girlsday'.
I remember when my high school friend asked me to draw for him.^^

I always thank you for your interest.
My drawing is still complete, but I will always improve.


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