World War III ? North Korea Test Hydrogen Bomb this September to show the World its Power

Hydrogen bomb is also known as <thermonuclear bomb>. This is the source of mass destruction and more explosive than a normal atomic bomb. Hydrogen Bomb is also calles as H-Bomb.

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  Dear Steemans,

            You may be heard about atomic bomb and you will also be aware with the name of hydrogen bomb. Hydrogen bomb is tested by North Korea some days ago and the world is shocked and express their safety measures and all countries condemn the act of North Korea.

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We want to live with peace and stability in the world. North Korea has high yield of Urinium metal and they want to show their power to world and especially to America. USA always against North Korea for their nuclear programe and always impose restrictions to North Korea to stop nuclear production.

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   The neighbor countries of North Korea are Japan, South Korea, China and Russia. All countries are in wave of restlessness due to North Korea foolish acts and they want to sit on a single table to solve this threat.

  Japan better knows the reactions and destruction of atomic bomb as it already faced bombs from USA in major Japan cities "Heroshema and Nagasakii".

                 The need of the moment is to solve the matter with dialogue and respect and opponents should work with patience and listed the words of North Korea and try to solve its demands.

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