and Superior Coin continue to keep promises and the SC value is on the rise!

20953651_492538951099125_337279702772642420_n.png and Superior Coin continue to keep promises and the SC value is on the rise! Superior Coin Owners show respectability in keeping promises as Superior Coin doubles in a few days span Writer: Colin B M Wood - 12/15/2017

I would like to start off by being honest, that I have been avoiding writing about #Superior Coin for a couple months. While I waited patiently for three issues for me to resolve, I asked for support on them, and then waited. I may have waited awhile in the financial view of things, but in opposition to the many, many investors in Superior Coin who sold off their coins immediately, or have continued to complain or hound the founders for information every day, so overwhelmingly, that I stopped keeping track, I was patient, and it is now paying off.

The three concerns that finally resolved themselves were expected, but necessary A while back, after my last article on Superior Coin, I realized there were approximately 10,000 coins missing from my account. I remember doing some sort of transaction for future bitcoin with those coins, but then they disappeared for some time, and I never saw any bitcoin for them anywhere.

Then the insanity that is Michael Todd occurred, people jumped ship, told stories, ignored facts, and a new life was born out of it all with the respectful diligence, and the brilliant maneuvering of Nathan Senn, Michael Senn, Colin Sydes and their team. Hear from Nathan yesterday here now:

Sure, there were bugs, my coins and possibly others' coins missing, and people abusing the Kryptonia platform to build up their SUP coins and sell them off when we first hit the market at a much higher value than we are currently appreciating.

Those are two of the concerns I have had. The other recently being new, by the fact that while I didn't pay attention, by being patient, the SUP coin dropped exponentially. I watched the value of my 44,000 SUP coins go from about $360 some odd dollars to less than $40. I was disappointed in the investors who dropped the coin immediately, made their measly profits in trade for bitcoin, and left Kryptonia in the dust.

I am here to tell you, that the Senn's have come through once again for me, and all investors in SUP coin I am sure. My 10,000 coins have been returned to my bank after much patience and waiting, the Kryptonia has seemingly grown incredibly, with many more tasks now being listed, and I'm hoping a better tool in keeping the gougers out, who don't follow through on tasks to earn their coins.

Today, I look at, and wow, SUP doubled in value so that my coins are worth just about $80 all of the sudden in just a few days. Where else do you see that kind of growth in a new ICO? Sure there are a few... A FEW!!!

What you should do now Look, everyone. #SUP is going to just grow from here. Don't sell off your coins so much. , Pay people with them, and earn them, but don't go selling them off if you want to have another sweet profit spot other than Bitcoin, or the like.

Go back to (as I will be doing with this article), or join, and start helping drive SUP to higher and higher altitudes. Enjoy it while you are doing it. Genuinely write good articles, look for people to do at home work for you to help your business grow and pay them in SUP. Grow your stack, as we say in Texas Hold'em, and watch it grow.

I have not sold any SUP on the market at all! I know what it's going to be worth with no doubt one day in the near future. I will go back to earning them, and paying you Kryptoniaites for reading all my articles I post, since that is what I do best. I will also post my other talents in an article, just as you can, in hopes to find writing or design jobs that can pay me more SUP, and be able to give to others as well. That kind of loss of coin is what will make the value rise.

This is our chance! To Kryptonia or bust! Here we go, everyone. It's time to make this happen. Make #Kryptonia the next biggest success to hit cryptocurrency markets, and get rich with the rest of us, so that you may retire in that dream home, or that dream spot. Whatever your dreams are, let's help each other obtain them, and then throw a big party down the road with all our families present! When I'm rich, you can come to my estate first, but I think the Senns might have something to say about that. So, I'd expect an invite from them first.


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