Oh so "Special"

Oh Really

A while back after creating a new business and brand, I invested the time and expense for the Trademark to protect them.

Now if you have ever gone through the trademark process you will know that there are a number of steps and time involved.

As example; after the initial search, there begins a series of other steps prior to the licensing. At this time, other trademark owners may open a dispute on your design if they feel it is similar or infringes upon their design.

So as you may have already guessed, I was notified by the attorney that new mark was under dispute. The company making the charge was from Battle Creek, MI... a little concern called Kellogg's.


My fist reaction was %#@*

Well it seems as this very large corporate structure thought my mark looked too much like their ### K, as in "Special K"!

Now I did not, nor did my new business have, the extra funds to begin a legal battle with a corporate giant like Kellogg, but for whatever reason, onward it went. Sparing you the bulk of the process, I was fortunate enough to succeed and the mark was registered.

Never give up, no matter how daunting the circumstance appears!

a true story with image credits to: General Mills and Kyusho International

Image credit: logonoid.com

_**Good Health - Evan Pantazi

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