A Beautiful Resurrection Sunday - Volcan Baru in Panama

When a sleeping Baru looks this lovely, it's definitely time to take a picture! I think that these pictures look like a painting. I love that this view is out of my living room...I literally stepped right out of the sliding glass door and took these this evening.


I loved the pinkness in the clouds as they reflected the sunset on the other side of my house.


Some days it is hard to stop and take a moment to look for the beauty around us. I'm glad that I did that this evening and took a minute to grab my phone and take a picture.

I hope that you had a wonderful Resurrection Sunday. We tried to go to a new church, but the directions we were given were bad (Panama doesn't do addresses). So instead we spent the morning at home and enjoyed time around here. We still know what today was celebrating, and for that, we are eternally thankful.

Matthew 28:6
He is not here: for he is risen, as he said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay.


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