Tea More Expensive Than Gold - Landscape Photography

Longjing is a an area close to west lake in the western parts of Hangzhou. The area is filled with these beautiful fields of the famous Long Jing Tea. They call it the Tea for emperors and long jing mean dragon well.

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According to one story people used to go to the towns well and pray as it was believed a dragon lived there which could give them rain and help for a prosperous harvest.

In China it is very popular to give Tea as a gift. Depending on the times the Tea is picked and in which area it grows the price can range tremendously. Long Jing Tea is one of the most famous teas and if it is picked before Qingming Festival in early April you should be ready to have a thick wallet. The auction price can hit up to 360,000 yuan (US$57,000) per kilo, thus making it more expensive than gold.

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Personally I wouldn't mind being given some of this Tea as a present. I would try to find the first person willing to switch it for bitcoins hehe

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