
There are many different ways to look at life. We all think differently. We are unique and each one's life is very much different from the next person's. Even persons in your own household can have a different perspective on life. But Who doesn't know this, it only makes sense right?

Hi Guys Jason here,
Bringing those positive vibes your way with a lil poetry toward a idea of someone who feels like a castaway on steem it or in life in general. A boost of love to you.

#thealliance @a11y full pagebreak.png


Cast away your issues,
no time to fill the tissues,

life happens and we all fall,
we still can crawl,
safely projecting ones thoughts,
Creating and curating alot

No worries
Life comes with the flurries
stress is our test
to come out and be blessed,

life is hard,
we all know,
but things happen so we can grow.

Comment with your reason
Combat the uneasy season
Keep your belief in life
Positive control the strife

Trust and promise
Help the common
Find what you long in
Keep what your strong in

Leave the box
Let your mind bend
Commend your fellow human
No matter if the fog rolls in
We all know where you have been
Remember we all one day win

Keep trying and trying again.
Be well my friends
stay positive and live give and that's how you win

Thanks guys for reading my article

I'm Jason Arnold (@krazypoet) signing off
If you seek art and positivity then feel free to join my discord channel
Steemit Infinity

“If a man should live many years, let him enjoy them all.”.

A positive, joyful attitude helps to keep us strong and promotes peace and unity.

Stay positive and constructive even during tough times and keep working towards something better.

“We don’t see things as they are, we see them as we are.”

Thanks for stopping by
Much Love to all & be well


Stay Positive

This is the way to steem on




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