Shi Shi Beach and Point of the Arches: Olympic Peninsula, USA

8-mile roundtrip, rugged beach adventure: tide pools, sea stacks, sea caves!

Shi Shi Beach and Point of the Arches
Olympic Peninsula: Washington, USA

One of the most notoriously scenic beaches in the Pacific Northwest is Shi Shi Beach and the Point of the Arches on the Northwestern-most point of the Olympic Peninsula in Washington state. After traipsing through a beautiful coastal forest, you’ll be rewarded with several miles of dramatic beach views and sea stacks to explore!

When we left for this hike, it was pouring buckets of rain. It stopped for about 4 hours, just long enough for us to do our hike and spend a little time exploring. All those rain clouds made for dramatic sky/sea vistas!

There are lots of little caves and nooks and crannies to play in. I love these shots from inside the caves looking out! Also, I’ll mention, I snapped all of these myself and they’re unedited. :) Check out more of my photos here!

I love how the sand reflects the water and the light. Although this doesn’t quite capture it perfectly, it was often hard to tell where beach and water met.

I’ll admit, I didn’t take this picture! (After all, I’m in it!) I adventured to Shi Shi with the love of my life (folks on steemit know him as @ukuleletutorials) and he’s definitely the photographer between us--I love this shot! <3

And there he is, running through a river on a beach as the sun sets. What dreams are made of folks! :)

CameraiPhone 6+
LocationShi Shi Beach and Point of the Arches, WA
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