Various shots while ascending Volcán Parinacota, Sajama National Park, Bolivia

In the saddle between Parinacota and Pomerape looking south east over Campo alto Parinacota (note refugio) at 5075 metres (day 4)

Beginning to ascend Parinacota looking back to the saddle

Looking down onto the saddle and the base of Pomerape

Looking towards the summit of Parinacota (at 6348 m), field of penitentes to the right

Near the top of the penitentes (approx. 6200 m)

Descending, looking east northeast towards Sajama

Looking back at the summit, penitentes to the right

Parinacota's sister mountain, Pomerape (at 6282 m)

Pomerape's summit

Descending, looking north west into Chile

Leaving camp the next day, heading back to Sajama village (day 5)

Photo taken with a Sony DSC-HX60V, 1st/2nd Jan 2017

Full album, day 4
Full album, day 5

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