Steemit Auto Language Detection & Translation - UI Design & Theory

Animation by Mohamed Kerroudj


Steemit is growing rapidly and with more and more cultures, people, countries, and languages coming on board every day the platform will need to evolve, and quickly. As of right now, no matter what language you speak, we all use the same platform and to me this isn't the problem. The real problem is just simply the language barrier. If we implemented Auto Language Detection and translation into the platform we could continue as we are with a lot less gaps between different language content. The cn and ru topics would no longer be needed with all content being accessible by all users. Comments could be made without worrying about how it would be interpreted or ignored and communication would increase.

I personally have been dealing with multiple languages problems here on Steemit lately. Don't get me wrong I think it's awesome! I just wish it wasn't such an obstacle and that communion could be expanding beyond "good post!" and "我顶,好文章" which I attempted to translate and got "I top, great article". If we could actually have a full conversation, it would, well... Kick ass! I don't really have the ability to build such a great feature yet, but maybe collectively we can?! For starters, getting it to work sooner rather then later we do have a few options...

Google Translate being the largest and most powerful auto detection and translation solution in there world, I would suggest we would try and implement the Google Translate API into steemit. lately I'll be honest I've been a little burnt out: coding, scripting, developing, designing, posting, researching, doing math! lol... and have not thoroughly looked at the API but it looks promising. I do however love designing and thought I'd give a simplistic UI design a go.

UI Design (user Interface)

Top right bar navigation with addition of the Translate button
(defaulting to persons location main language)

When user hovers over the button it opens up with a quick little elastic animation
(an arrow appears indicating you can click this area to change the langue preference)

When the users clicks while hovered over the button
(a menu appears with a list of the most commonly selected languages - with an option to expand the full list)

Example of what the top right bar navigation will look like after sleeting Chinese
(This would auto translate the all the main feed pages & translate the actual posts)

Post Comments Section

English speaking users perspective while viewing the comments section

When the English speaking user hovers over the translation indicator icon
(To change comment back to original language content the user would click)

The same comments from a Chinese speaking users perspective

Again when the user hovers the english version of the comment appears

Your Thoughts, Comments, & Theories

  • So what do you think of the UI design?
  • Whats your theory on bridging the gap between languages here on Steemit?
  • Where do you see Steemit going on a world wide perspective?

Your Boy Blue

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