Steemit Teachings: Allowing the Flow

I have learned so much on Steemit. There are a lot of brilliant people on this forum. Honestly I came here knowing absolutely nothing about crypto and much too little about anarchy and decentralization. I've learned a ton about all those things and also things I already knew a lot about like parenting, education, and off grid living. This community has stood with me as I figured out how to handle some pretty big life shit, even though I have only been here since August. My writing has improved dramatically. Seriously, this is a really special community.

Then there are some lessons that just sort of swim down in the periphery. One of those is flow. I have been studying metaphysics for a long time. I have dipped my fingers in Buddhism and Native American spiritual teachings among other traditions. I started out Southern Baptist, though, so let's face it, I was screwed from the get go. Funny, not funny. I also grew up in a middle class family partly in suburban South Carolina and partly in Indianapolis. What I am saying is that I lived this really conventional, "normal" life.

Nothing like sitting in the river to get in the flow.

The Paradigm Fall

It all fell apart. Everything I had grown up with seemed wrong. I couldn't live that life anymore. Like a lot of us, I threw the baby out with the bath water. I guess I thought I had to start from zero. I threw out religion, abundance, schooling, any hint of a conventional life. I just couldn't parse out which pieces I wanted to keep. The truth is that money isn't the problem, but it took me a long time to figure that out. Money is a great servant but a terrible master.

Putting it Back Together

Pretty early in my adult life, I started learning about letting go, manifesting, creating with thoughts, allowing, etc., etc. It all makes sense to me. I can see clearly how I have created my reality. I can see how the thoughts I am thinking are manifesting. I intellectually understand that I have to spark creation with my desire and then let go and allow. I just can't seem to figure it out in practice. So I find it fascinating that I would learn the next level of this, too, here on Steemit.


Honestly, it's amusing. It's almost embarrassing how obnoxiously obvious it's all getting. I have pretty much been living in financial poverty for most of my adult life. Poverty didn't make me enlightened or humble or more kind or a better person or any of that. It has just made shit hard. It took some years for me to realize that not everyone with lots of money was like the assholes I grew up around in the Baptist church. And not every poor person was as cool or smart as my dad. Poverty really only means a few things. (A) It makes life hard. (B) I haven't yet figured out allowing. (C) The economic system we have going right now sucks donkey balls. That's it. That's all poverty means or teaches.

What does it mean to allow?

If you are unfamiliar with the idea of allowing, you can find hints of it in a number of different cultures and religions. Christians can understand it as "let go and let God" or "put it in the lord's hands." Many Native American spiritual traditions have some form of giving gratitude for something before they even have it. In metaphysics, depending on who you're listening to, there is usually some kind of asking that results from some contrast or desire. Then there has to be a letting go and allowing. Most people tend to believe that, once you ask, it is already there waiting for you. You just have to let it in. Abraham refers to a "vibrational escrow" that holds all the things you have asked for until you are in vibrational alignment with allowing those gifts into your life. It can be health, wealth, love, work, what have you. You have to line up with it in order to receive it.


Honestly it makes so much more sense to me than karma. Now I don't want to get into politics right this red hot minute, but let's face it. If you're looking for a wealthy asshole to use as an example for your post, politics is filled with them. So, pick your favorite wealthy asshole for your own example. I'll use Darth Cheeto. He's done some terrible nasty things to women, his children, poor people, POC. He has hurt and screwed a lot of people. Yet he is the leader of a very powerful country and unimaginably wealthy. Where's that karma? Yes, I'm sure he's a miserable sad sack, but I still can't understand under karma how such horrid people have so much abundance and security. How does someone so mean and hurtful bring in so much money? If I look at it from a standpoint of allowing and law of attraction, though, it makes so much sense. He's always had money. I'd venture he can't even imagine himself without money. He can easily see himself wealthy and powerful because he always has been. So, that continues to be his experience. The law of attraction has no judgement. For those of us wanting to change some major aspect of our lives, we have to find a way to feel our way through the shift. Touchstones of past experiences are really helpful. Fully imagining the experiences and events you'd like to have and allowing yourself to actually feel the emotion of having the thing is also incredibly helpful.

How Steemit made it so easy to understand

So, enough rambling. How is Steemit expanding this experience for me? When I first came on here, I thought it must surely be too good to be true. How could I live at home with my amazing kids in my favorite corner of the planet writing about things that are interesting to me and have money flow into my life? It's seriously a dream come true. No more boring articles and blogs about shit I'm not intererested in. For real a dream come true. So as long as my belief is one of suspicion, there will not be much money coming. Then I started to see others who were really bringing in money and disbelief was suspended. So a bit more money began to come in - and in response to things I am super passionate about. So I started the process of getting some of that money to the bank. Now I have written about that briefly before, but suffice it to say that I started the process in October or November, and still almost none of it has gotten to my bank account.

Some of it sits in Kraken. Some in Bittrex. Some in my wallet. And I get to just watch it grow and shrink and grow again. I watched it all blow up through the SBD jump. It's absolutely just like my vibrational escrow. I have the money. It is just hanging out there, but I haven't been able to allow it into my bank account. I mean to tell you that all kinds of crazy things have happened to keep my money locked down. It's totally a reflection of my consciousness.

Not exactly me, but close ;)

Now it's fun to realize this has basically been the case the entire time I've been poor. I have desired and asked to have more abundant money flow. It is created, and there it sits just out of my reach. Lord knows how much I have sitting in there. I am being called to allow. I am being called to receive. I am being called to value myself enough to really let it in. To believe I am worthy. To believe I don't have to work hard or suffer or be an asshole to have a comfortable home and be able to travel with my kids. Life changing.

I love this platform, and I love all y'all.

FYI, Kraken still sucks, though.

All pics are mine or from Pixabay.

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