Uplifting Transgender Stories - Things truly are getting better!

It's easy to miss amid all the negative or even horrific transgender news that there is a lot of support out there for our community. With this in mind I wanted to feature some of the uplifting stories that truly highlight the growing support for the transgender people by friends, families and allies. All too often the large and still growing group of supporters are forgotten. I can speak from personal experience that without finding positive and/or success stories about those who came before me, and the support they received, I would not be where I am today.

In the last handful of years transgender awareness has gotten a huge boost from seeing celebrities like Laverne Cox, the Wachowski Sisters and others. I don't want to take anything away from these brave pioneers, but I do want to share some lesser known and perhaps closer to home stories with you.

Landon Patterson - Kansas City, Missouri

Missouri Teen Named First-Ever Transgender Homecoming Queen at Her High School: 'I Feel Like That Princess'

Being born and still living in Missouri myself, this first story is that much more powerful. Missouri currently is among those states that don't have transgender protection laws on the books, yet we still are able to see a teenage transgirl be voted in as Homecoming Queen at her Kansas City High School almost two years ago to the day. I still tear up when I see this video of her being named Homecoming Queen at Oak Park High School.

Blue Nebeker - Santa Barbara, California

Missouri Teen Named First-Ever Transgender Homecoming Queen at Her High School: 'I Feel Like That Princess'

Just earlier this year, students at a Santa Barbara High School voted Blue Nebeker to be the 2016 prom queen along side her bisexual friend Sabrina Dabby as prom king. Quoting from the NPR interview:

Her mother Joanna Nebeker said she never thought she would say the words that she is the mom of the prom queen.
-Story Source

Drew and Danny Cortez - Cypress, California

When His Son Came Out As Gay, This Pastor Delivered A Sermon Of Support

Now I know that this isn't specifically transgender related, but I still wanted to include this. Support from friends, families and allies deserves praise for both what they themselves have had to over come and what they do for the LGBT community.

This quote from the NPR Story shows the huge heart and courage that allies bring to the table:

The Rev. Danny Cortez is a pastor. He also has a son who recently came out as gay. And when his teenage son came out to him in 2014, he did something more than express his support: He decided to talk to his Southern Baptist congregation about it — even though doing so likely meant getting kicked out of the church.
"That morning I came to church, my blood pressure was super high. I felt so much stress, and everyone was wondering what's going on," Cortez recalls, on a recent visit with StoryCorps. "But I remember as I was speaking, I felt empowered like I hadn't felt in such a long time. I knew that what I was sharing that Sunday was important."
-Source NPR Article

Kristin Beck - Maryland: 20 year Navy Seal and Congressional Candidate

Meet Kristin Beck, a transgender former Navy SEAL running for Congress
Kristin Beck is a flat out inspiration for many in the transgender community. First being a highly decorated Navy Seal for 20 years to now having run for a Maryland Congressional seat. Up until just a few months ago, the US military still had a ban on transgender people being allowed to serve, in any capacity. Prior to this, those who came out (or were outed) were discharged, usually quietly. First Ms. Beck was an inspiration to many as a soldier and now is also an inspiration as a transgender advocate and pioneer.

Just in the last handful of years we have begun to see a shift of transgender people being portrayed as shock or comedic value into fellow human beings with feelings, hopes and dreams. We would not be anywhere near where we have gotten to without the loving support from those within the LGBT community and our friends, families and allies.

I sincerely thank every single one of you!

Keep Smiling and Steem On!

Other Uplifting News Stories:

Image Sources:
Kansas City Homecoming Queen
Santa Barbary Prom Queen
Drew and Danny Cortez
Kristin Beck

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