Some resources to deal with what is coming

As I watch the rule of law fail, I grow angrier and angrier.

I am not just talking about the brownshirt street army of the left, but the failure of Americans to punish leftist politicians who violate the law and the duty of office, specifically in these cases by giving the rioters "room to destroy".

We shall see if Trump is actually going to protect this nation by how he deals with this organized treason and violence.

The obligation of subjects to the sovereign is understood to last as long, and no longer, than the power lasteth by which he is able to protect them.
Thomas Hobbes, “Leviathan”

If Trump does not fulfill his duty to us, then it will fall upon each man to defend his own liberty.

Here are some resources

attacked by domestic terrorists

Some concepts to understand

  • The Globalist/Leftist "alliance"
  • The Leftist/Islamist "alliance"
  • Decapitation strategy
  • The Assassination Market
  • Fake News

Last Note:

If you really believe things are going to get worse, you need to get off sugar, and get in shape. I don't do this. I need to. You can be an internet tough guy all day long, but action takes muscle and endurance.

If you start to follow me, please let me know so that I can return your follow!

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