Live Your Life In A Better Way [Eng-Ind]

Dear Steemit Friends

What do have in mind when you see these following pics? Right, They tell us many things, and you can interpret with the way you want. I am not good in figuring out a picture but at least they tell me one thing, life must go on no matter what it may challenge you. If you want to survive, you must be ready to fight! Fight is better than staying where you are.

Apa yang anda pikirkan ketika melihat poto-poto di bawah ini? Betul sekali, poto di bawah ini bercerita banyak hal, tergantung sudut pandang masing-masing. Saya tidak pandai menjelaskan cerita di balik gambar tapi setidaknya saya bisa mengatakan kepada anda satu hal bahwa hidup harus terus bergerak ke depan. Jika anda ingin selamat, anda harus siap berjuang! Berjuang lebih baik daripada diam.




Live Your Life In A Better Way. @abduhawab

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