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Change yourself and change your thoughts and your life

قد يخطئ البعض في استعمال وتوظيف طريقة معينة في طريقة الحديث والتكلّم مع الآخرين، وهذا الخطأ يعمل بشكل أو بآخر على عكس صورة سلبية عن الشخص المتحدث، وعلى الرغم من أنّ الإنسان قد يكون ذكياً يمتلك المعلومات الكافية، والمؤهّلات المطلوبة إلا أنّه قد لا يستطيع تسويق نفسه بسبب عدم قدرته على كلام بطريقة تجذب انتباه الآخرين له، والعكس قد يكون صحيحاً فلطالما نجد أشخاصاً لا يمتلكون المواصفات المطلوبة إلّا أنّهم يجيدون الحديث فيجذبون الآخرين إليهم على الرغم من إخفاقاتهم الكبيرة.

How to attract people to your words

Arranging ideas in advance, so that the speaker can communicate his or her point of view with all effectiveness and smoothness, this works to identify the opposite person with the intellectual content of the person who speaks fluently, smoothly, and calmly. The use of terms that suit the relationship with the person speaking, and show self-confidence through the way of talking, while moving away from arrogance, between arrogance and self-confidence show a very small hair, everyone should know and keep them as much as possible. To stay away from the bad terms that give a negative idea of ​​the human, and the use of beautiful terms that give a good and good impression of the human speaker, and try to be high ethics during the talk, and away from the abomination and bad ethics during the talk, all this works to destroy and destroy the human among others even If he speaks sincerely. Focus on the subject and away from the side issues that do not benefit, and do not ensure, and do not sing hunger. Such a way of talking is able to keep people away from the person who is speaking, who is confused in ideas, so things mix with those who hear him. Distancing from a lot of speech, and short words in a few words, and concise, and university, and resistance; this method of speech love others and make them wait for every word will be issued by the person who follows this method of talking. Being calm and controlling nerves even in the darkest situations, the distance from gossip, and the lack of talk; most people do not like sitting with such people because they know that every word they utter will be calculated in one way or another.

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