If You Want to Succeed, Keep Doing What it Takes Until

It is said that you can break a rock, even a large rock, with a hammer. Understand though, that this does not happen immediately. You can hit the rock repeatedly and not see any progress. You have to hit and hit and hit the rock, and hit it some more, then when you think you should be done keep hitting it, and hit it again. It is only the diligent continuation of effort that finally breaks the rock. You have to hit it until.

Each blow weakens the rock, and it is not always easy to believe your efforts are making a difference. In fact, what you see will tell you that your efforts are not making a difference. But with each strike, inside the rock damage is being done, and separation begins to occur inside the rock in the weakest places. Ever so slowly the weakest points snap, leaving new weakest points that were previously stronger. You are making progress, you just can’t see that you are. And you don’t have to see it for it to be true. You don’t see air, but it is true that you breath it an and exhale it all day and all night to stay alive.

Todays post is just a quick reminder to stay the course, don’t give up. Whatever you have been working towards will not be accomplished if you quit. You have been working too long and hard to give up now, your success may be just around the corner. You just can’t see it yet. Whether your rock is something in your daily life or if it’s trying to make it on Steemit. You have to keep hitting your rock.

Through time and persistence, the rock will eventually break, and with time and persistence you too will eventually get your break through. Have the mental tenacity to see it through until, and you will succeed. Keep doing what it takes until.

(Banner by @son-of-satire)

Photos from https://www.pexels.com

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