Physical inactivity in teenagers: Its causes

Hello there! Hope you all are fine. I thought " Enough of this humor. Let's get little serious". So today's topic is a bit serious and I was really anxious about writing this post. As the title suggests today I want to say about the decline of physical activity in teenagers. Even I am not an exception and I realised that that's why I am writing this post.
Physical inactivity in teenagers is a wide spread problem faced by almost each and every teen in this world (even if they are unaware of that).
Let's get into the details:

  • Physical inactivity leads to increased obesity and a steep increase in the chances of having diabetes.
  • The teenagers are not the only ones to be blamed. This problem arose due to the nature of the parents who wanted to provide their children with comfort(Please don't feel insulted. I know you parents love your children but it is not necessary to go everywhere in a car. They can have a walk sometimes). Also the increased pressure to utilise as much time as possible forces there parents to do there chores as fast as possible, thus in order to save time they use cars to travel even the smallest distances.
  • Increased involvement in non-physical activities like video games, social media and other electronic stuff lead to decline in physical activities.

Recent data reveals that only 29 percent of high school aged kids are "physically active" meaning that only 29 percent of them are involved in vigorous physical activity of at least 60 minutes a week. In this table boys are far above than girls (No offense, it's just the data). Statistically speaking, only 18.5 percent of girls were physically active while 38.3 percent boys were physically active( Yeaahhh!!😎✌✊).
How to tackle it? Well it lies in the hands of both the parents and teenagers. Parents should encourage physical activity among children by taking them to parks, beaches etc. in free time. Also the teens should realise physical activity is necessary for them to stay healthy as it keeps many diseases far away.

Too much for today ; p. Hope you liked it.

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