I Am Happy To Be Me Every Single Day

Watch sunrise every morning and remember how rays of sunshine brighten your dull morning
Watch sunset every evening and remember how days crept into the night so dramatically
Watch that magnificent rainbow after rain... magical colors sprinkle in the air, nature's best art

Walk in a garden of flowers, admire the beauty of the flowers and how they smell sweet like a perfume
Walk on the beach and feel the breeze blowing lovingly touching your face and the smells of the fresh air made you feel brand new

Listen to the sound of the waves of the sea crashing on the shore
Listen to birds chirping in the morning, that's the best natural music to soothe your soul
Listen to sounds of the winds gently hitting the tree and the sound so orchestrated so graceful
Listen to the sound of the falling rain pitter patter pitter patter

Say I Love You every day to your loved ones
Hugs your parents, brothers, sisters, kids, nephews, nieces etc
Take a break, sip that fine hot coffee, remember how good it made you feel to be able to enjoy that cup of your favorite coffee

Enjoy your moments, Enjoy your life
Every day is a gift and tomorrow is a mystery
Do your best and be the best today
Because no one knows whether we live to see another day.

Me enjoying a golf buggy ride

Yours truly,
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