I lost my little furry friend today :(

She came in front of our door one day some six years ago, skinny and starving, looking for a new home after someone abandoned her. She was so lovely and adorable, we had no other option but to take her in.

It may sound like a cliche, but she was the best cat in the world and we considered her part of the family. She was with us every step of the way, always cheerful and cuddly. She was fierce and no other animal would dare to come after her.

Whole neighborhood adored her cause she used to sit on the yard fence or lay on the middle of the not so busy street in front of our house, and everyone would stop to play with her or give her a light pat.

Today, after our neighbor found her and informed us, we were devastated. She had only 7 or so years and (despite some minor clues) looked like she's still going strong. There might be a possibility she was hit a car, but we didn't see any visible signs.

A bond with a pet can be so strong. It's just this little thing, but it means so much to you. It's a sad day today, but I'll try to think about all the beautiful memories I have of her. And we've been through a lot.

You will be missed, my little furry friend.

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