The dream job that I didn’t think I like.

My dream job was not my dream job at all. I did not ask for it, things fell into place. Some may call it an act of God, fate, destiny or even convenience. Although this was the job that was my least favorite, it has been 7 years and I've never looked back as I enjoy every single bit of it. I am a teacher trainer.


What I do

My job consist of training the future generation of teachers. I am the boogeyman that sits at the back of the class, the observer in suit and tie. The one that makes a teacher uncomfortable.

Image taken from

Ok, maybe not that dramatic, but there were children who saw me on the street and ran away screaming. Later I found out that their teacher told them that I was their teacher's teacher and if the teacher punishes them bad, the teacher's teacher punishes them worse.

I teach academic writing, teaching skills and the use of technology in the classroom. I have anywhere from 20 - 30 trainees under my charge and I call them my children as I teach and train them as they are my own. This also means that I give non-academic advice such as relationship advice.

Why I love it
I love my job because while my first career choice would have landed me more money than my current one, it would not have landed me significance. I love talking to younger minds, telling them my stories of teaching, inspiring them to not just impart knowledge, but lessons that last a lifetime.

I love my job because while I do have people knocking on my door asking me if they should date a girl or quit their job, I look forward to see them leave. This is because I will stay with them and work through their problems till the end. I do not mind the extra time to help someone because I know that one day he or she will be sitting in my place, helping someone else.

I love my job because I get good mugs. You know, the ones that they give teachers every teacher's day, except that I see mine as lives touched, akin to a medal for a job well done. Also, it keeps my self esteem up, nothing beats waking up to coffee in the mug that says 'Greatest teacher in the world'.

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I love my job because I love fighting for the underdog. The ones that people call stupid and (more on that here: @alvinauh/teacher-i-m-stupid-am-i-part-1) . The ones that were called incompetent, I will see them graduate.

I love my job because I get loads of gifts. It is not that the price of the gifts were high but I know how much each one of them costs. My teacher trainees are not rich, they live off a meager allowance, just enough for Ramens. But when they get me something, anything at all, it costs them and I appreciate it.

I love my job because it has made me a better person. It has made me see that life isn't always about the money you earn, but the lives you touch and the ones whom they will touch later on.


This is for all those teachers out there or to anyone who knows a teacher going through a hard time, I hope this inspires you to fight on. You may not see the fruits of your work now, but one day, someone, somewhere will walk up to you and say,

Thank you teacher.

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