Morality Versus Spirituality

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I believe in the soul, its powers, and the spiritual or nonphysical worlds. I experience them on a daily basis and to me there is nothing theoretical about them. But it is not politically correct to believe in the soul, the astral planes or spirituality in general. Rational atheists have attacked spirituality and attempted to replace it with social morality! They say that man can live without religion but moral law is eternal and absolute. What they're trying to do is take the best from religion and spirituality and leave the soul and the nonphysical realities behind.

But it doesn't really matter because the rational atheists are simply trying to replace one higher authority with another. They are trying to replace a spiritual authority with a moral authority. They are trying to replace a divine authority with a man-made external authority. So there is no longer any need to proclaim that God is love because it has been turned around and the new saying is love is divine! The real truth is that the dominion of morality is just as complete as the dominion of Christianity or any other religion. Dominion is dominion! External authority is external authority!

In the past religion has taught that only faith can reveal truth. Now only human reason can reveal truth. What about direct personal experience? Organic Gnosticism? Direct enlightenment? I guess none of these things exist! What about a truth that is unique to each individual?

Thought, logic and reason, have taken the place of spirituality and religion. The mind is no longer occupied with spiritual things, but is now occupied with mental thoughts that are just as intangible and immaterial. When morality is able to stand on its own apart from spirit it is no longer grounded in the divine. It is no longer spiritual. Man is no longer controlled and directed by God, but controlled and directed by man. But man is still directed and commanded to ignore his own welfare in favor of some higher power!

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