

I would like, at the very beginning, in order to make things clear in everybody's mind, to make the distinction between 'loneliness' and 'being alone'. Being alone means being without companion or being unaccompanied. It can also mean finding oneself in a place where there is nobody or where others have not yet come.

Loneliness, however, is a state of mind. It is an echo of what one feel; it is an inward or outward projection of the soul.

Loneliness can very enjoyable, in the sense that many people choose the path of loneliness on their own. May be they want to stay alone with their thoughts and beautiful moments or they are in search of a proper solution to particular problem, or else they may decide to shun the company of others because they are not in mood for conversation. Others prefer to be alone because they get easily bored with the company of others or they do not have much to say. Well, it will be ridiculous to say that we like to be lonely... unless, of course, we are masochists. Therefore, loneliness is not a self-inflicted diseases. Loneliness may be associated with harsh circumstances and conditions. The causes of loneliness are varied far too many but let us together look at some (better known ones) of them.

I know that most of you reading this article ( specially teenagers) have experienced this form of loneliness - the loneliness of love ( you made a smile). Love is like that, most of the time it brings loneliness. But, better experience the pain and suffering in love than never be in love. Our dear Mr Shakespeare says that lovers are like 'furnace'. All theses are often equated with loneliness. In love, as we all know, there are all sorts of obstacles, impediments and above all, barriers. These hindrances are bound to result in loneliness for those whose 'course of true love never did run smooth'. When, someone you love turns you down... loneliness is with you.

Loneliness knocks at our door also when we fail an examination, when we have to do it all over again. A failure may mark us through the entire life. A very good candidate who has scored A's in all his subjects may feel lonely (sounds ridiculous) if he expected a scholarship, but does not get it. And, as we all know, failure engenders loneliness. But, please, my dear readers stop comparing you with your friends. Put in mind that failing is an opportunity to attempt another exam more confidently. Failing in one test does not mean failing in life.

Rejection also engenders loneliness. We have seen also that loneliness is present when we are not good enough or considered to be good enough.

My dear reader, since the beginning i have been talking only about the causes of loneliness. But, are there any solutions to loneliness? I suppose that there are not for all of them. Time, they say is the great healer, and if the lonely person is made of a strong mettle, he must eventually face the storm of loneliness that has disrupted the smooth running of time. Friends are here to provide solace. But, above all, dare to be yourself. There has never been anyone quite like you. Imitation is suicide, says the author Norman Vincent. When you imitate, you are killing the personality inside you. No matter how unfavorable your situation, how little training or status, you have to begin, the question is what to do with the little love you have. The truth is that our life is what we make it. God has not made an ordinary human being yet. You are greater than you think you are. Always think that loneliness is only a word and cannot reach your face life as it is as its made in this way. Hope, you heed my advice. Best of luck!

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Lovely Regards,

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