Gifts From the Other Side of the World

Gifts From Steemit Friends

The last few days have been really fantastic for me - I've been receiving packages in the mail!!!!

Over the last couple of months I have met the most amazing people here on steemit. I've formed such strong friendships with people who I hope to meet in person one day. They have become part of my everyday steemit life and I love them to bits!!

So on Friday I receive a package in the mail and I was so excited that I skipped all the way up to the house so that I COULD OPEN IT!!!

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Inside was a envelope with such lovely writing on it!!


Inside the envelope was the cutest card with whipped cream and a cherry on it.
(I'm not sure if I'm the whipped cream or the cherry)


Also inside was this fantastic gift of a hand crafted pen!!! I'm so happy because I've written so much recently that my pen is running out and now I have this one to replace it.


Look at the cute little skull and crossbones on it!!!
(I wonder who this was from)


Of course this was from my favourite Pirate Captain @dreemsteem!!!!

I Love it!!! Thank you so much

And then on Monday I got another package - it was bigger and it rattled!


Inside was this amazing hand painted coconut with my Steemit name on it!!


And the Steemit name and colours.

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Also in the package was a Saints flag and an adaptor for the car. Oh and a letter from an amazing friend!!!


It now sits in pride of place on my cabinet so that I can see it everyday!


@monchhichi23 Thank you so much!

Ladies you are both awesome friends and I'm so glad I met you both

Divider By @scuzzy

Images Thanks to Pixabay.

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