The Wonders Of Tai Chi

Hi guys I'd like to tell you a few things about Tai Chi, so you can be captivated and impressed by this martial art as I am.


Tai Chi

This ancient and revered martial art is based on strong and noble exercises for the body and the mind. Its consistent and continuos movements will relax your muscles, increase your pliability and coordination. And since it calms and focuses your mind, it will ease tension which will work good against stress caused by your hard business life.


What is Chi and where it is located?


Chi is the moving force of human life, initial spark of your thoughts, creativity that keeps and sustains us. It can be felt like energy movement inside your body, like the flow of electricity. Chi flows trough the body trough channels we call meridians, like blood flows trough your veins and arteries. Chi is stored in tan tien. It's a place the size of a golf ball centered four fingers width below your belly button and about one third of the distance from the front to the back of your body. It is the center of gravity of the body.

Tai Chi for health or self-defense?

Although Tai Chi can sometimes be used for self-defense, it's first and foremost practiced for your well-being. It is extremely useful for your liveliness and body awereness. Since this is a noble and cunning skill, it can be very effective form of self-defense. It's not easy to seperate physical from mental aspects of Tai Chi because they are closely intertwined. Physical symtomps will regularly effect emotions and psyche and mental difficulties will affect your health. According to Tai Chi catlike alertness requires a relaxed mind, soft and dynamic joints, coordination and steady flow of universal chi energy trough your body which is equally important for your health and self-defense.

Tai Chi for arthritis for fall prevention 


  for self-defense 


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