AnNa @annadeda

Once upon a time there was a boy named An.

An believed that it was important in life to have a perfect image, so he always cared about what others thought of him. His life was a perfect 'schedule'. He always did the same things every day, such as: waking up in the morning 2 hours before going to work, neither one minute earlier, nor one minute later. Combing his hair perfectly. Wearing his shirts ironed in a perfect way. Always taking the 7 o'clock bus, never missing at the station at 7:00 o'clock. Arriving at work he immediately started working, without communicating with anyone. He was leading the life of a loner in perfection. That life made him look very unlikeable to everyone, while he thought that conducting such a perfect life, everyone admired him, But he was wrong, because to lead such a perfect life result in losing the true meaning of life. In fact, he had neither a friend to talk to, nor a companion with whom to have fun. He was totally alone. As the truth is that nobody believes in perfection. Deep inside, An understood that he lived a very boring life. But he did not have the strength to change it. Although, every night he prayed to God for something to happen that would turn his life upside-down. As everyone say, when you pray with all your heart, God will listen and will give you what you want. One day, An was coming home from his job. As he was walking toward the bus, he suddenly, heard the sound of a car coming. When he turns his head, the last thing he could see was the face of a very beautiful girl. That face would be the last thing he would see for several years. When An came to his senses and opened his eyes, there was only darkness he saw. For a moment he got scared but then he heard his mother's voice telling him to calm down. His mother explained to him what had happened. After a few hours the doctor said to An, that his lack of vision was not due to some damage and that all his exams were normal. So what was keeping him from seeing? It may be that what prevented him from actually seeing was nothing but himself. An had longed for his life to change and that was what happened. His life had changed completely. Many days, months, and even years passed by. Two and a half years had passed and An's eyes were in absolute darkness. But the strange thing was that An felt it was thanks to this darkness that he was able to see things much more clearly. He understood that perfection does not exist. Now that his mother took care of him, things in his life were no longer perfect. By now he wore the shirts that were not stretched to perfection, even his hair was no longer combed to the profession. Now when An went to work he was no longer at the station at 7:00, and when he got to work, he did not immediately start working, but he was discussing with his colleagues about everything. In short, the thing that he wanted most in the world had happened. One Morning when An woke up to go to work, as he opened his eyes, he finally saw his mother's face after two very long years. At that moment he understood that the light had miraculously returned to his eyes. A few months later, An decided to leave his job for studying to become a nurse. And after a few years An started working in a hospital as a nurse and told all his patients how that incident had changed his life and that he had never forgotten the face of the girl who had caused that incident. Moreover, in all these years he was desperately looking for her because he wanted to thank her for saving his soul.
Twice upon a time there was a girl named Na.

Na wanted to be a free person. So she always did what she likes without thinking about the consequences. She did not care about what others could think of her, so she lived a life that was a little crazy and lazy. That is: in the morning Na woke up when she wanted and had never worked in her life even a day. The clothes she wore were never stretched to perfection and even her hair was never combed to perfection. When Na wanted to go somewhere, she was never in time for her dates. She had so many acquaintances that she called friends, but Na was wrong about this, because an acquaintance could never be a friend. It was for this reason that she found herself so many times betrayed by her so called 'friends'. Deep down she knew that her life was very wrong, but she had been going on like this for many years and it was very difficult for Na to change it now. Na wanted something to happen in her life and when she was alone, she was praying to the universe for something to happen that would change her life. One day when she was driving her car, when suddenly she saw a boy crossing the street. Na could not make it in time to stop the car, so she hit him. Panicked Na did not know what to do, so she started the car and left the boy on the street. From that moment on, her life became a living hell. Na felt terribly guilty for what she had done to that poor boy. She wondered day and night how the boy was? if he was alive or not? Na's life had completely changed. What happened must have been a lesson for Na to behave in a different way. But instead of behaving better she behaved much worse than before. Na started to drink a lot, so she was drunk from morning till night, because she could not bear the guilt she felt for leaving the boy on the street. Almost 5 years passed and Na had consumed so much alcohol that one day her body paralyzed completely. When her parents took her to the hospital, Na was able to move only her eyes. The doctors said that it was because of so much alcohol that she had consumed in these years and also that she had made a very imprudent life, so her nerves were damaged forever and that nothing could be done . The days passed and even the months and Na was always in a hospital bed, therefore she had plenty of time to reflect on her life and also on what her life would be from now on. She thought what had happened to her was a punishment, for what she had done to that poor boy. So she should not complain that her life has become like this, because it was all her fault. Everyone had abandoned her. The many friends that she had had not even once had come to see her in the hospital.

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One morning Na woke up as always in that hospital bed and when she opened her eyes she saw that she was not alone. Next to her was a boy who looked at her with tears in his eyes. He greeted her and told her his name was An and that he was the guy that she had hit with the car and abandoned on the road 5 years ago. Furthermore, he told her that he was not there to blame her, but he was there to thank her, because that incident 5 years ago has changed his life for the better. He told Na all his story and at the end thanked her for making him a better person. From that day on, An took care of Na for several years, until Na's life came to an end. As for An, after Na's death, he lived forever alone. He have never created a family of his own. He always remembered with love the beautiful girl with the golden hair that had changed his life forever. When it was time for him to die, An went away with a smile on his face, because he knew that on the other side, his Na was waiting for him. Now they will be together forever. AnNa

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