How to make money the easy way by sitting at home and playing a video game

Before finding SteemIt my #1 money-making pastime was playing a virtual reality game called Second Life.

 Nearly everything in Second Life is made by the players: houses, cars, trees, everything except the virtual land itself is made by the people who play the game. 

 So, how can you make money from it?  Believe it or not, that's actually the easy part: all you need to do is create content, just like here on SteemIt, except instead of typing essays you just build 3D objects with the built-in object editor.  And if you like you can even use the very simple and easy to use scripting language to make your creations more interactive, sort of like programming, but way easier because they designed the programming language to be super-simple and easy to learn so that anybody could do it. 

  There are many more ways to make money in SL, you don't even really need to create content to make money.  Some people make money just by being a DJ and playing music for others at parties and dance clubs.  You could also buy and sell virtual land for fun and profit, just like the real estate industry. 

  Second Life was designed to be a world where anything can happen.  And that can also include “adult entertainment”, if you know what I mean.  Lots of people make money that way, in fact, that's probably one of the easiest ways to make money in Second Life. 

  But how to get real cash into your own hands?  Easy, just log into and click to exchange your video game money for real money, and then you can withdraw your real money.  You can choose to either have them send you a check in the mail, or if you have PayPal they can deposit the money directly into your PayPal account. 

  It's important to remember that there's an exchange rate.  The money in Second Life is called Linden Dollars, which are worth about 275 Lindens to 1 US Dollar.  So, just for example, if you have 2750 Lindens then you can withdraw 10 Dollars worth of “real” money.  Just keep that in mind when looking for work or selling your creations in Second Life.  I usually just round that up to 300 Lindens per Dollar which makes it easier to do the math. 

  I've been playing Second Life for almost 10 years.  It's fun, easy and profitable.  If you want to get started just go to and sign up.  I'll be writing more articles about Second Life in the near future, particularly about how to use the scripting language to make your creations more interactive.  Please upvote and follow if you'd like to learn more about this amazing virtual world.

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