Anyone can run a marathon!

So a few months back I completed my first (and most likely last) marathon in 4:39 (this is not at all a good time), and just thought I should let you all in on a little secret – anyone can do it. Let me tell you why this is (you just have to first endure my sob story).

About two months before the marathon I was doing one of my “long runs” (21kms) and I completed this without too much trouble, apart from the fact that my right knee was now stuffed. I then tried to run again after this to find I couldn’t even go 2kms without getting sharp pain through my knee. I had just started a new job and moved to a new place and spent about 2 hours travelling each day so going to the Dr was not a possibility, I decided I would just give it some rest and see what happened.


As the weeks went on I kept trying to run to no avail so sort of ended up giving up, the long days and crappy weather got the better of me and I was eating poorly and hardly exercising - I had resigned to the fact that this marathon was going to suck.

Marathon day came around and the only thing right I had managed to do was carbo load (because any one can do that). I tapped both my knees up and got up at 4:30am to drive out to the marathon venue. The race started out non-eventful apart from the fact that my headphones had decided out of the blue to start crackling – which was a great start.
I ended up staying with the sub 4:00 pack until just past the 21km point and was feeling pretty good, I decided to take some advice of the internet and refuse to acknowledge any pain until at least half-way. I Started to slow down and then at about 26km my legs ceased up, from here it was pretty much hell.

From about the 26km to 37km point I was trudging along at a pace probably the same speed a walking and pretty much everyone was passing me. A dude who looked like someone you would see at the pub smoking and eating 6 bowls of wedges passed me, which as you can imagine is rather depressing for a young, tall lean(ish) male.

I manged to run the last 5kms as I made friends with someone I called greeny (she had a green top on) and got past the finish line just shy of 4:40hrs. I couldn’t really walk after and had very sore legs for days, but overall I was reasonably happy that I managed to get it done.

Seeing the people competing and knowing what training I did/didn’t do made me think how literally anyone could do it. Hell, it sucks I won’t deny that, but everyone always thinks oh there’s no way I could do a marathon when in fact it is well within everyone’s grasp.

I don’t want you to get the idea that I have a really good will power and that I ran through the pain because I’m awesome – I’m not and it doesn’t matter if you aren’t either. I can’t even stop myself from pulling into the shop to buy a chocolate bar on the way home.

Anyone can pay $100.00, get sent a race pack and reluctantly make their way to the start line, the only thing that takes any commitment is the training for it – which I didn’t really end up doing and honestly don’t think its that important if you’re not going for an amazing time.

Here are the steps you should take:

  1. Sign up to a marathon near you in the next 6 months.
  2. Tell everyone you know and post on Facebook so people hold you accountable (this is the only reason I ended up doing mine – I even ended up being interviewed by a women’s magazine).
  3. Try train (Hal Higgon has some good plans).
  4. Turn up on race day, hopefully finish.

So, if you feel like spending 4 – 6 hours in complete hell for the sake of finishing a marathon then I can recommend it. Just acknowledge this – No one remembers your marathon time, but they do remember that you did one.


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