Everyday Erotica #3

Disclaimer: Moments in retrospect may appear divergent upon entering.

Her eyes widen at it's mass

Grown swollen from neglect

Putting aside all tasks

She focuses on the bounty before her

She lowers to her knees

Wraps her hand around the shaft

pulls up, feeling the tension build

arching her back

she pulls harder


sensing a give

the release is coming

Her breath comes harder

beads of sweat appear

her slight but talented hands

handle the shaft with gentle skill

Release comes in a sudden satisfied heave.

Again and again.

She continues to pull weeds.

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Today's episode of Everyday Erotica is caressed from the musings of the devilishly innocent @legosnjoysticks

To have your everyday task eroticized, please comment with your want below.

Everyday Erotica #1
Everyday Erotica #2

Images via Robert Mappelthorpe, 1988

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