
Hi everyone, my name is Ariel and I love nature, yoga, dancing, art and eyewear. Gender: Female. Age: 31. Originally from Brazil now living in Miami Beach, FL.

Earlier today I was looking forward to my upcoming trip to Manhattan/Hamptons with my boyfriend Fulvio. This is my first Thanksgiving with his family and I am thrilled to be alive, experiencing my romantic dreams unfold. His mom is a lovely lady and I knew I would enjoy my time with her. Believe it or not, I was also looking forward to the plane ride. I just love being stuck in a chair with my book or magazine of choice, no wifi, being served drinks for a few hours. I've always had the best reads when flying. ADD is gone and I am focused!

I was reading the November issue of The Rolling Stones magazine when I found steemit. It sounded so cool. (If I had wifi I would be downloading the app right there and then. Glad I didn't, otherwise I would have ceased reading and would've spent the next two hours checking out steemit. I would probably have forgot about the magazine once I arrived in the city which would be a shame -the magazine is great). As soon as we landed, I turned on my phone and searched for the app. Ops, there is no app?? URL only? Alrighty - Here I am looking at this complex world where currency is being exchanged, people are honestly expressing themselves and are being supportive of others doing the same. What a sweet world I thought. To say the least, it is very creative! I was sold. Sign me up! Though I have no idea how it works I just want to be a part of it.

When choosing a username, I was hoping to just be just Ariel. Not Ariel Last Name. Not arielabc. Not Ariel123. Not a fictitious name - just Ariel. For whatever reason it wasn't possible so Ariell was born.

Dinner time! Forget the internet world young lady and go back to planet earth for a few hours. We went to dinner at this traditional Japanese restaurant called Aburiya Kinnosuke in Midtown East with a few friends. On our way there, I was wondering - what am I going to write about in my introduction for steemit? Okay I love yoga, vegan recipes and travel but do I want to blog about it? Is this really what I am or just my Likes? Can I move in deeper and write about my life and how ariell, this sort of consciousness, moves through it? It would be nice to practice writing while blogging about life. Working on becoming less self conscious about writing in English along the way sounds good to me too.

Earth is calling! Ariell come back to here now. So back to the story - We hugged friends, ate sushi, drink sake, talked about politics and climate change. Dinner was great and now we are back home. When I thought everything was going well, Fulvio and I began fighting about something, not that important, that has happened last weekend. Fulvio is not a drinker but when he does drink, he normally drinks more than he can handle and tonight wasn't any different. What started as a silly fight soon gained momentum and he was calling me a bitch. What did you just say? Am I what? "Just go Fuck yourself" is the last thing I heard. Bitch and Go Fuck yourself almost in the same sentence, in less than five minutes of a fairly steady conversation is just too much for me to handle. Tomorrow, I am going back to Miami. I will make sure to apologize to your mother and explain why I can't celebrate thanksgiving with her and then I am leaving. Outrageous. We were not screaming, no one did anything wrong. We were simply not seeing eye to eye and next thing I know F*** bombs are being dropped in my face, right before bedtime.

As I was brushing my teeth my drunk boyfriend wanted to talk. All of the sudden "fuck yourself" wasn't meant for me but for someone else. Say what? Am I deaf now? I told him to fuckin' leave me alone.

It is now 4:25am and I can't sleep. I have tears in my eyes and I am so sad that so much of my excitement about spending this holiday together as a family came down to "go fuck yourself" and tossing and turning in bed. Good news is that I was able to turn my emotions into creativity. If the whole point was to blog about life, what a perfect opportunity to transmute these unworthy feelings inside into something more groovy.

Here is my intro. Now You See Me.

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