BETWEEN DOGS AND CATS: My life with pets

Hi, everyone! :D

Well, guys, I don't consider myself a writer, however, I would like to share with you some thoughts and pictures of my pets. The last few days, I've been drawing too much as I've never done before, so I'm going to take a break. This time there is no drawing (I said that, but I'm drawing right now, haha), just me talking about some wonderful animals that have meant a lot to me. It's amazing to imagine how your pet can give you the best moments of your life, be for you although they probably don't understand you at all, but some how I think they do. In our family there have been several pets since my sister and I were little girls and one that marked us more was our dog Pitufo, unfortunately he died in September of last year at the age of 14.

I remember that we cried a lot, I didn't even go to class that day. We did everything we could, but in the end we couldn't help him (he was sick). Thinking about him, it reminds me of the first time he arrive here. One night, our father brought him to the house (an old lady had given it to him), he was just a little puppy, we were very happy because we had always wanted a dog and at Christmas our desire was finally fulfilled.



Now, can you see the little white spot in both pictures?. Well, he's Alvino, the second pet that we had. One day when I was in high school, my best friend found a little cat, but she couldn't keep it because she already had 2 dogs, so I took care of him. At first, my mom didn't like the idea, but later she accepted him because she knew that he couldn't defend himself. A few moths later, he left and never came back (as the other two male cats we had), we thought it might be that he was looking for female cats or his own territory (in my neighborhood there are too many male cats).




And, who is that guy?. His name is Diego. And like Albino and Pantera, he left the house in a short time. It was a gift from our aunt. I remember that he liked to bring trash from the street to our house. But, who is Pantera?. It's him:




In 2014, a cat from my neighborhood gave birth in front of my house and of all the kitties, my sister fell in love with him (he was the only male) and we took care of him.


Now, that little boy right there is Tattoo. I found him in my high school (yes, I used to bring animals I found in my high school or in the streets to my house, once I brought a bat ) and I brought him to my house, but he couldn't stay long. My mom gave him in adoption because we couldn't take care of him.

And last but not least, Jushi the cat. Her name was the subject of controversy in our house for a while, haha. My mom picked her up from the streets almost a year ago and my sister named her Jushi, but my mom and I didn't like that name. My mom call her Niña or Lemur, but I prefer to call her Luna (now, we all call her Niña ).


Here's some photos when she was a little cat:


I'm 21 now and no matter how many years pass, I will always remember them. One stayed with us until the end, others passed by here for a short time, but all of them, more than simple animals, they and the future ones will be part of my family.

Well, that's all for now and thank you for taking the time to read this! Bye, guys! <3

-Previous post: @art-huntress/sketch-drawing-contest-2-lovers-in-the-forest

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