When Little Dogs Do Wrong

This is Tilly, my 7-year-old niece. She's a big dog in a tiny body who thinks the world belongs to her! Surprise! Dogs are like kids...LOL!

Her Mommy has health issues so we go adventuring together, out into the "wilds" of our city. Walking along the river she makes friends with ducks and dogs alike. She's normally a very sweet dog, until she meets a jerk, then she turns into a junk yard dog. Just like her "Taunty"!

Small dogs never really interested me until I met this little ball of fluff. She has captured my heart, which is why I'm sharing this today. We know that kids, dogs and horses all need boundaries to be happy. And we all know that excersise and sunshine are important not only for our physical but for our mental health too.

Tilly has been stuck inside for almost a month. Mean old Taunty has been very busy and thought Mommy was feeling better, so we haven't been adventuring. This normally very well behaved dog has been pooping on the floor, getting into the garbage and chewing things other than her toys. I chalked it up to PMS... she has her times, just before she comes into heat, where she's just not herself.

Last night, while playing her "growly tug of war" game she bit her Mom's lip. I was there. It was no accident. And she continued to growl while she was being given "words". In the six years and 4 months that I've known this puppy she has NEVER acted like this. I'm hoping she's just trying to tell us she's not happy. I guess it's time for some more adventures and then we shall see if that's her issue. I hope it's not a health problem.

I also tend to wonder if it's the way she's allowed to play. I don't have a dog right now, because we can't afford a surprise vet bill, but in the past I've never allowed "growling, snapping and snarling" type of play. I think it blurs the line of what's acceptable. However..... some "Mommys" think it's funny and encourage it. I don't know, I'm not an expert, but I think the dog would have a hard time deciphering what's acceptable and what's not.

What are your thoughts?

Until next time friends....

Coffee Hour



@vj1309 ....Tag! You're it.



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