I PLEIADES - An Autobiographical Work - Days Of Future Past - 6


Here I sit, so many years into the future, typing these memories into the communication device that these days passes for a phone.

The future from the perspective of my perceived past.

The present from my now.

The past from my future…

And now I shall share a few more disjointed memories. Snapshots captured by the me that I once was…

…I remember I used to like going to church with my grandmother. It was a catholic church so it had big stained-glass windows, which I especially enjoyed because they were so pretty. Also I liked all the people standing and sitting all at the same time according to what the priest said. I thought it was fun. Back then Catholic priests spoke a lot of Latin in the ceremonies. All very cool, fun, and mysterious to this little boy.

So I guess all that helped to influence this next experience.

…One night I awoke with my attention being drawn to the window in my bedroom.

The long white curtains were lit brightly. I didn’t recall them being so lit up before, so I climbed out of bed to see where all the light was coming from.

I saw a streetlight but that wasn’t where the light was coming from. I looked to the night sky and saw what I now refer to as a “field of stars”.

It was from this field of stars that all the light was coming to light up my window and curtains.

In my little kid mind I interpreted the stars to be the Christian character known as Jesus.

My heart filled with joy, excitement and light.

The message was clear.

To me it was Jesus coming and I became very excited. I ran and got my mom and told her that Jesus was coming. I showed her the stars and told her that I had to be awake to greet him.

So she sat up with me in the living room while we waited. I sat in her lap and stared at the front door to our apartment because I was fully expecting him to walk through that door at any second.

I finally fell asleep and she put me back to bed.

I was disappointed and didn’t understand why he didn’t come. The message had been quite clear.

I never really forgot the experience and many years later when I was struggling in the throes of addiction, the memory came back to me, and in its way gave me strength and hope for a better future.

But more about that later.

…Sometimes my mom would hold me in her arms as she sang and rocked in a rocking chair. I used to love that and still remember at least one time when I rested in that place of peace, love, and security.

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Link to I PLEIADES - An Autobiographical Work - The Beginning - 1.

Link to I PLEIADES - An Autobiographical Work - Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep - 2.

Link to I PLEIADES - An Autobiographical Work - Mountain Climbers - 3.

Link to I PLEIADES - An Autobiographical Work - John - 4.

Link to I PLEIADES - An Autobiographical Work - A Monster In The Night - 5.

Link to I PLEIADES - An Autobiographical Work.

Link to Looking For Followers -Autobiography-.

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