Overseas Media Manager | How Reena.K schedule is like...

pic: One of my recent projects

Wired out of Steemit

Dear readers,

Yes, even active a steemian can have its busy days.
It is pretty undeniable that my work is starting to take a huge part of my life right now. Office hours start at 9.30am and ends at 7pm. To a lot of people, it is long hours. But work is work regardless whether you’re an intern or not an intern, because there is a demand to perform and excel at the workplace.
My schedule didn’t work out too well as I plan, I follow my plan for the first week, and the second week, I got too busy with internship work (yes, I have to check work emails during the weekends)

Hows it going?

I'm becoming busier as more projects are coming. I am doing an internship in a company.

Oh internship? Welcome to the real world 😅

I am not your regular intern, I work up to 6 days a week, from 0930 till 1900 a day. Let’s say, I’m a full time intern with some experience. (I'm hitting 30 in 5 years time)

So what do you do?

I can myself intern, but according to the name card I was provided, I am the Overseas Media Manager for my company. I know, how an intern got a manager position, it didn’t sound right. To start off with, I did not apply to this company, apparently some head hunters found my CV in a job fair, pass it to the CEO, and thus I was recruited by the CEO himself.

Due to my past working experience in e-commerce industry ( when I was 20 ) and graduated an English degree, they wanted to recruit me immediately as an employee. But during that time, I still have classes, so I was told to do freelance work for them. For about 1 month, I was their freelancer, taking jobs from time to time, some paid, and some not paid. And suddenly, I heard nothing from them for 2 months, no confirmation, nothing. I thought I was going to look into other companies for an internship, but after 2 days landing in Beijing, I got a call from the company to come to work. 1 month later, I realize I was positioned as overseas media manager in the crowd funding agency.

What do I do?

Almost everything related to overseas market. I do translation, copywriting, content writing, market research, press release, and more PR to youtubers, journalist, and the fate of whether we got them lies on my writing skills and luck. If a project needs filming under tight budget, I recruit directors and actors to GET IT DONE. I had to come up strategies and ideas to our rookie directors

The title comes with commitment

A lot of people think my job is cool, but media itself is a broad topic, there are social media which would include instagram of different brands and products, and dealing with customers who send messages on social media platforms, copywriting, content writing, public relations, content creation( short videos), arranging the landing page of Kickstarter.

I think my work requires me to put extra effort, the company is a startup so pretty much everyone learns from each other. The best part is, I get to make most of the decisions because it is also the first time for the company to get Youtubers to collaborate. Plus, my superiors are open to my ideas as a foreigner. However, if we have a notorious and stingy supplier who wants a Hollywood effect but without a Hollywood budget, it would put me in a challenging situation where I would need crank up something which would lead to sacrificing Labor Day holidays (yes it happen recently) to work on the project. My colleagues were enjoying their holiday while I worked behind the scenes at a filming set as the producer. This project is my responsibility, so I needed to make it work at all cost. Trust me, I was caught in certain situation unprepared and was put in a very high pressure where I wasn't emotionally stable, I was in fact in a very foul mood with the demanding supplier who changes plans at the very last minute, with a high pressure to perform while running out of time at the same time. I am just glad that phase 1 of the project is over.

Life as Reena.K, Media manager = PR + Social Media + others...


+ another 10 more roles...

Morning (Office hours)

9.30 am is the clock in time, the first thing I do?

Coffee is priority, Mocha preferable, black will do too. After a sip...

Lookout for cool tech stuff and learn how they write their content while logging in to check my emails and start writing my agenda for the week. Youtube is part of the work, so there is no waste of time.


Order food online and had it sent to the office

Lunch hours is 90 minutes, usually my colleagues will take a short nap or watch some series online. Doing our kind of work, we really need a sleeping pod, but our office doesn't have one. Did I mention before that the office is pretty small too?


Twitter, twitter, twitter. I will be opening different pages of twitter just to search for journalist and read about what they post. Like Steemit, you need to give constructive comment, like or retweet and ect to get their attention. I need to create my own tweet too. I am always checking my emails, checking facebook pages, checking PR services sites. Comparing prices because you need one that delivers the result you want.

Before 7p.m.

Anther round of coffee at 4p.m. to get my drive going. I would stand up and stretch or go to my superior's desk and ask him about work stuff. More discussion, more learning. We learn a lot of stuff through Youtube, so watching Youtube at work is acceptable for me.


Adrenaline rush, I don't know why, but at this time my project manager will come running to our table with last minute checks and discussion, usually to be continue the next day. At 6p.m. our work drive will be working hard, trying to finish what should be done for the day so that we don't have to restart the working momentum the next day.


When 7p.m. strikes, I turn off the computer and head home. Looking at the computer all day doesn't leave me the desire to look at the screen any longer. The place I work is 40 minutes from where I live, and the routine is similar everyday. Sometimes I need to leave early and meet people with my manager. By the time I get home, I will be exhausted and skipping dinner.

What keeps me going?

Work adrenaline, coffee, momentum and desire to achieve.
Everyday is a new day for me because I deal with lots of stuff. One day I will be writing about tech product, the next day I will researching on fashion. That is one of the reasons I prefer to work in a startup for now.

What drives me insane?

Slow internet.

I am the project leader for this product, launching soon


Producer for two videos below:

I love what I do now, and I really learn a lot when it comes to marketing and PR. My colleague told me, "you're pretty lucky. There are people who will take at least a year to do the stuff you did, but you get to learn them in 3 months." I was told that I could start a business on my own, I will, but I rather be part of a team, let the men lead while I work things behind the scene, have less pressure and do the things I love.


I work in the crowdfunding agency, the International Business School of BFSU’s social media department, the PR team for the Embassy (which I reluctantly agree to them), and my own steemit. All while still preparing my thesis at the same time.

So what do you do? let me know in the comments below, or you can create a post too and Dm me your link

Thanks for reading!

Be sure to check out my other post, I usually write a lot about Beijing, China. Let me know how you like this post in the comments below, don't forget to hit support! It's free! =)



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