8 Steps to stop being frustrated all the time

Pretty much we get frustrated on a daily if worse hourly basis...

I wrote this guide to help myself and help you to get rid of the frustration forever!

At first let's talk about the origin of frustration. By understanding that you already have
an upper hand against this challenge.

Most of the time you get this feeling when things are not going in a certain
way. Not where you want them to go.

From this, we start an inner monolog a narrative: she shouldn’t act that way, she should do it this way. Oh I can believe she always does this! Why can’t she just see that she’s wrong? She’s so irritating!

We are full of this ongoing stories, completely submerged in irritation.

Your blueprint to overcome frustration

1. Develop an awareness of it

Obviously you can't avoid frustration to happen. But you can notice that you are irritated. Start picking up the clues. Are you sighing? Meybe clenching your fists? Arguing your case?

2. Pause

As soon as you are realizing that you are frustrated just pause for a moment. Even if it is just for a couple of seconds. Check yourself. How do you feel? What frustration looks like when it overtakes your body?

3. Notice the story you’re telling yourself

What is that you are telling yourself? What are you saying to the other person in this situation? What she should or shouldn't do in your opinion? How did you characterize the situation and people in it?

4. Is this story helping me?

Now ask this question really seriously. If possible put a little distance between you and the situation to have a better look. Is this story helping me or makes the situation worse? Does it help me to have a better relationship with the person I am talking with? Does it make me happy? After asking this question you will surely realize whether you are making your own unhappiness in your mind.

5. See this frustrating situation as a lesson

If you are willing to look these type of situations are real lessons to learn, accept develop, let go of feelings. After realizing this frustrating moment can transform into small treasures in your life, developing into opportunities to achieve greater understanding and peace within yourself.

6. See that the other person is suffering

After you made this realization about yourself and seeing yourself behaving imperfectly you will start feeling empathy toward the other person. They are also frustrated themselves. They have their own stories which cause them to behave the way they do. You both are experiencing the same thing. Try to see how the way they behaving makes sense to them from their perspective. It always does but sometimes it is just so hard to realize it.

7. Let go of your way

I know it is hard but you can't control everything. But you can control how you experience events happening with you. You aren't entitled to get everything go in a way you want them. Other people behave their own way and it is true that you don1t have to agree with them every single time but if things won't work out you don1t have to be frustrated. Just try to loosen your grip on events.

8. Say “yes” to this experience

It’s perhaps not ideal, but what is? If you embrace this moment by saying yes it will be much easier for you to et it go. You will start to appreciate what is beautiful about the present. This will make you feel frustrated less often.

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