Giving smth back 6 and 7

It is 22.33. My fingers are cold and my nail polish is chipped … it’s dark and calm. I have some cheesy music in the background while enjoying a smoke. Some rain would be perfect right now to add to the whole atmosphere.

I have tomorrow off, but after that I’m back to work. I have some more days off in May, but Special Olympics are nearing in and that means I will have to cut in my free leisure time. Which I do not like at all. I won’t say I’m nervous. I’m actually rarely nervous … mainly because I’m rarely emotionally invested in things. My approach in life is: shit needs to be done and shit will be done … right after I have this cup of coffee.

But yet … I’m not sleeping well lately. It is like the whole enormity of it is starting to focus. The extend of my chores in it. I start grinding my thoughts until they are a big wild beast in my head. There is only one thing that will fix it. Shit needs to be done. So I’m drafting a plan first thing tomorrow … Right after that cup of coffee.

So if it seems I have been rushing with these … It is because I am.

@suesa likes to write very very long articles. :D


Wait, I’m not done. The posts are very long, but I immensely enjoy reading them. If you are interested in science and fiction he is the right address. Though he doesn’t have issues with the number of followers … but just in case you are new do take a look. He also changed gender just today...well...came out of the closet. Makes sense. Because I drew him as a girl. 2nd of April should fix things up though.

@winstonalden also likes to write very very long articles. :D


Which I also immensely enjoy. But what I like the most about his blog is … the versatility of it. Literature, tobacco, fiction, chainsaws, train rides, broken down trees, poetry … You can taste the thoughtfulness he inlays in his posts and feel that writers touch. If you are not yet a follower … you should be.

(I first wanted to do donna, but have a bit of a stumble. You guys wouldn’t mind hinting hair length and color? :3)

A glimpse in the process if anyone wants to see:


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