My favorite gifts - Birthday Post part 2: Getting old 😉

Today I turned 32 and that means I'm getting pretty old - or at least my age looks pretty big, as it turned into six figures in binary (100000).

In the first part of my birthday diptych, I wrote about my childhood years - so carefree and frivolous. Now my age is a half of 64 and my Commodore is just another number I left behind along with my adolescent innocence.

Life has many colors and flavors and getting old is all about getting used to the darkness and the bitterness of this harsh world. And I really wanted to keep this kind of mood in the whole post, but who am I going to kid? You don't want to read it and I don't want to write it. I'm not that old really and for sure I'm not that gloomy. But I can share some views on the changes I experienced through my 100000 years. So after this confusing opening, it's time to throw off the mask of a grumpy old man - after all, birthday should be a time of celebration. 🙂

In the first part I wrote about something big that happened on the day I was born. It's kind of funny that when I'm not as enthused about such things as I was as a child, I have an access to the whole Wikipedia article, where I can read about so many events that took place on October 19. It turns out that Black Monday happened on my third birthday. Two of the artists I like were also born on October 19: Peter Tosh and Trey Parker (happy birthday! 😉).

Another thing that kind of passed is my video game hobby. I have a more powerful computer than the Commodore 64 now, but I think that an 8 (pardon, 1000) year old me would be disappointed to see how I waste its potential. Now I prefer card and board games - I guess it's an appropriate hobby for a 100000 old man.

But don't get me wrong - I still love computers. They're great tools for drawing, writing, creating music and puzzles, and for interacting with people from all over the world - so many, that I would need another 100000 years to visit them all in person, but I can talk to them at any moment.

The gift

And speaking of using a computer as a tool - a few days ago I received one of the best gifts ever! It came early,  five days before my birthday, and I've already put it to use. My lovely and supporting girlfriend, who is barely even pissed off that I spend so much time on Steemit, collected money from my mother and two of my friends and bought me a graphic tablet.

It's a Wacom Intuos Art 275 x 217 mm. I've already created two cartoons with it in GIMP, but mind that they're my first tries (I'm learning the fun way, by drawing and checking how it works in practice). The result wasn't embarrassing, so I published them on Steemit.

Image from my post The solution of Rebus [ENG] #4

Image from my post The solution of Crack the Code #1 (plus a cartoon 😋)

The tablet came with Corel Painter Essentials 5. I haven't begun learning this software for real, but I couldn't resist creating a quick doodle:

Prepare yourself for more, as I plan to live 10000000 years or maybe even longer. 😉 Eventually I'll learn how to use this tablet for real, but even until then, I'll post the doodles, cartoons and rebus puzzles created with it. Happy birthday? Not for you, haha! 😆

If you're not scared, follow me for more. 😉 What would be another great birthday gift? 100 followers by the end of October!

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