" I was proud today to go stand with the blue collar workers from LEAR Seating in Whitby for a couple hours, before I was escorted to my car by 3 guys and told their Union (the Local 222 CAW) did not want me there. What is wrong with this picture?? ........."
This is an open letter, from my files, one of my many many activist stories . I have been very active and not just talking or sitting on a computer. That is why politicians and the police state don't like me.
I was a high visibility activist for a long time after my city council run, to actually help people in my town.
All these photos were taken on my Blackberry as the Hurricane approached us on the picket line.
".... I showed up today, they had been on strike for about 2 days. The possible worst storm in North America - Hurricane Sandra is upon Oshawa here, as I write this. I can hear the wind blowing outside harder than most of us have seen in these parts.
LEAR is one of the many bargaining units or "partners" if you will-- inside the larger CAW Local 222 Union. So that means that all the (roughly 15 businesses etc) under the heading of the 222 umbrella-- use the Local 222 to help them bargain contracts and everything related to it for the workers--- wages, terms, concessions, pensions, benefits, buyouts, etc etc.

I took pictures today at the picket line, and chatted with the front line (read- hardworking middle class workers), helped them batten down the tarped-up makeshift shelters for the projected 80-100 kms winds coming tonite in the next few hours. It is really nasty outside, and God bless those workers that are fighting for their pensions, benefits and wage cuts against the Corporation. I carried 25-40 lb weights around helping weigh things down. I am a non-union resident in this town concerned for labour and jobs-- many of you reading this already know this.
I am a community activist, and you cannot remove my 2010 Oshawa City Council campaign or my Real Estate career from the roadmap of my life. It is part of who I am.

I told a couple of the "leader" types if they wanted me to tape a brief message from one or 2 of them from the picket line- to upload to my YouTube channel- to get their message out, I would be GLAD to do it to get word out to the community about what LEAR employees are going thru on the line and shop floor. Like the GM talks that just ended recently in town, that many are not happy with the end result. I wanted to represent the workers and give them a voice. They have been hurt and misused and people need to know. I hear the stories from all my friends in the GM plant and more today at the LEAR line. I did not even get to talk to the really pretty LEAR girl who was dressed all in black who kept looking at me. LOL. That may have been the worst part of it all!! I am kidding.
My name is on my car and was parked near 1 of the picket lines with the fires burning. Some people asked who I was and I told them- since they did not recognize me from the plant, LOL. Some wondered why a regular guy- a simple resident would come out to support them. Others said they really liked it and thought it was just great a community resident would come out in such conditions, on their own time to stand up for the middle class with them, and fight more cuts to their livelihood. It could go either way, to be fair. There was no political agenda on my part. But it turned out that way- from many people present.

I don't hide who I am. I don't run from it, nor my blue collar roots- being raised by a former farmer- who then hauled cars for 27 years for the auto industry in Oshawa- for McCallum Transport all the way thru the 70's and 80's before he retired. Not much of any of these things about me was discussed today.
In the end, several people asked if I was Barry Dutton and if I supported the current CAW leadership, and I told them not necessarily--- but that this strike is about standing with workers so they know they are valued and supported. Some of the so called "leaders" of the pack there this afternoon/evening-- went about here and there talking about me, you could see them doing so- and pointing at me. I knew what was going on. What most would consider back room typical old school union bullshit. To be blunt.

They did not come and accept me at face value for what I had told 2 or 3 of the leaders there and some of the workers. They did not come and pull me aside for a minute and reasonably discuss anything with me. They heard I was not a Buckley supporter (current president of the Union) - spread some rumours or chirped about me, decided I was their enemy and formed an 8 person semi circle around me, and told me that "their union does not want me there".
This happened about 6:44 pm EST as I texted a CAW union person I know about it as I was about to pull away. They said they were sorry to hear what happened. I said it was ok - because I knew I did the right thing by going to support the workers. Those who have bills to pay like the rest of us- who have taken cuts/concessions to their wages and pensions and benefits all clawed back- when life and expenses and medical bills continue to climb--- not go down.
I had been in touch with several elected CAW members and regular workers today during the day and in the last 2 days since the strike started. Some are quite high up in the union and know I actually really care about people and the middle class. Others just play the partisan politics and friend game.

What I am saying if you are reading this, is that I went there to support the workers. Period. Full stop and that is IT- END OF STORY.
For the union people that mistreated me, and caused a scene and bullied me and talked about me - rather than simply get 2-3 members and come try to talk to me--- I still am sorry you are on strike and just because you acted like jerks today, does not mean I don't support labour, and what you are trying to fight for. I do still support you. I don't support your bullying tactics and nastiness. I can draw a healthy line. I wish you could have.

People--- wake up. This type of tactic and marginalizing of each other--- for NO reason--- is why there is a huge huge communication gap between the unions and the many of the regular folks who think you are all overpaid. I am one of the bridges in this gap, and you tossed me aside. I chose to come out with you in the rain and the tremendous winds, into the dark of the night, in the middle of literally - the approaching Hurricane. Think about that. I wanted to further your cause and stand with you and show you non partisan support.
Your directions to get rid of me, a non union member who supports your right to strike and ability to feed and clothe your families, came from within and above- and the continued favoritism and bullying tactics continue to be a part of modern day, middle class unionism.
And also kindergarten.
My dad was in the car carriers union for well over 40 years when you count his retirement and Teamster days, and he NEVER would have treated someone like that who showed up to support his cause to feed his family and fight for what is right in the disappearing middle class. I came there to help you all at LEAR. It honestly is that simple. And we wonder why there are so many struggles within the union and the community who seeks and needs better understanding of your issues.

I came to help. Wake up."

From my notes and files, - October 29th, 2012. - Blue Collar Barry.
You Cannot Regulate Liberty..... Let us Encourage One Another.
Feel free to add your comments and encouragement, frankly, we can all use a little more of that in our lives.
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