The only other birds in my life I have been around decided they did not like me so they harassed me and threatened me LOL.

When I was a kid, the big school trip thing to do, was get on the school bus and head to the huge and reasonably famous Toronto Zoo.
I was a little kid and like animals a lot so had my fingers in the cage and this bird bit me, cut me open and traumatized me for the next 35 years LOL.
Birds can be real jerks.

So it was with nervous apprehension I approached Cookie the Cockatoo here. I dated a girl named Joanne a couple times from my public school days (yes, I called it dating LOL) - into my early 20's and sold her house and found her another home awhile back, so we were together more than usual.
She had donated her Cockatoo to a local zoo, since she did not have the ability with her small kids in the past to pay proper attention to Cookie. The bird is in a more natural environment, great food and keepers and life and is well behaved.
Cookie is out in the open like this, not even caged. It was a really nice place for a well behaved bird!
Some of them are not LOL.

Well it turned out right away within seconds, Cookie really liked me.
Joanne has had lots of people around this bird, and Cookie does not like everyone, she was honestly a little shocked this bird walked right up to me, climbed on my arm and laid her head on my chest and start cooing.
The bird was super friendly and affectionate!
Cookie climbed all over me, kept nuzzling me and would not leave me. Perhaps she liked my Save The Bees! - T-shirt.
This was a great experience for me given my past bird related traumas in my life LOL!

I can honestly say, this experience has really stuck with me ever since, I think about it fondly, and how loving and friendly this animal was to me. I would say it was:

I did not even have food. It was natural and unconditional and really spoke to me as a life lesson.
I can truly say this was a fun, and beautiful experience and the only feathers ruffled that day were Cookie's, when I was petting and massaging her, and when I stopped, she poked me and looked at me like
"Why are you stopping, bro?"
I give this birding life moment a solid 5 beaks out of 5.

I found this article/blog post today by someone who has written a lot and focused on birds, if you want to learn a little more about them.
Cockatoos as Pets
By Shelly Bohannon
Cockatoo’s make exceptional companion birds, if their needs and requirements are adaquately met. They are affectionate, funny, comical, mischievious and generally easy to get along with. Their requirements, however, are rather complex and many.
The key to a great Cockatoo as a companion bird is a great beginning. Cockatoo’s are known for becoming phobic and developing behavioral issues such as plucking and/or screaming. A study was done a few years ago by Dr. Brian Speer, DVM and associates that indicated that many of these phobic issues may be caused by the early weaning that is practiced by many breeders.³ In the wild, and also in captivitiy, if left alone, Cockatoo babies stay with their parents until the next breeding season. Thus, a year or slightly less. While the babies are certainly eating on their own a few weeks after fledging, they have also been observed being fed by their parents up until the next clutch is laid.
A properly raised, socialized and trained Cockatoo makes a wonderful companion. Cockatoo’s are noted for being very sweet, affectionate birds, with a voice that sounds a lot like "Cousin It". They are also known for being exceptionally cuddly birds that want to be “on” their people as much as possible. They have rightly earned their title of “Velcro Birds”. They love attention and affection and will generally like just about anybody that will pet them.
When raising Cockatoo babies the process is much the opposite then with Parrots and Macaws. With Parrot and Macaw babies you handle as much as possible. They are by nature independent and will generally learn to entertain themselves on their own. With Cockatoo babies you handle frequently, but just as frequently you must leave the Too baby in his/her cage or play area, without human interaction to encourage independence and the ability to entertain itself.
Alternately, an improperly handled, raised or spoiled Too can (and often does) become destructive, overly dependent, self-mutilators and/or screamers. Correct handling and meeting their dietary, exercise, activity and affection needs, is a must. Somewhat of an effort but most Too owners will agree, that their Too is well worth the effort!
Cockatoo’s are renown for their affectionate, cuddly nature, as well as being an energetic, playful and often silly bird. Most species of Cockatoo will learn to talk, and although they are not noted as particularly accomplished talkers, the “Cousin It” quality to their voices lends a humorous element to their speech. If you have never seen a Cockatoo ‘war dance’ or play ‘psycho bird’, your are certainly missing some great entertainment!
Thanks for reading, have a nice day.

Img Sources:, and other photos taken on my Samsung phone by Joanne with her kids that day on our zoo outing!
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Please note -- I will have limited internet access for awhile -- so PLEASE do not be upset that I cannot reply right away, or to everyone. I am dealing with some changes, and will have limited time online and will be happy if I get a few blog posts up a week.

The only other birds in my life I have been around decided they did not like me so they harassed me and threatened me LOL.
When I was a kid, the big school trip thing to do, was get on the school bus and head to the huge and reasonably famous Toronto Zoo.
I was a little kid and like animals a lot so had my fingers in the cage and this bird bit me, cut me open and traumatized me for the next 35 years LOL.
Birds can be real jerks.
So it was with nervous apprehension I approached Cookie the Cockatoo here. I dated a girl named Joanne a couple times from my public school days (yes, I called it dating LOL) - into my early 20's and sold her house and found her another home awhile back, so we were together more than usual.
She had donated her Cockatoo to a local zoo, since she did not have the ability with her small kids in the past to pay proper attention to Cookie. The bird is in a more natural environment, great food and keepers and life and is well behaved.
Cookie is out in the open like this, not even caged. It was a really nice place for a well behaved bird!
Some of them are not LOL.
Well it turned out right away within seconds, Cookie really liked me.
Joanne has had lots of people around this bird, and Cookie does not like everyone, she was honestly a little shocked this bird walked right up to me, climbed on my arm and laid her head on my chest and start cooing.
The bird was super friendly and affectionate!
Cookie climbed all over me, kept nuzzling me and would not leave me. Perhaps she liked my Save The Bees! - T-shirt.
This was a great experience for me given my past bird related traumas in my life LOL!
I can honestly say, this experience has really stuck with me ever since, I think about it fondly, and how loving and friendly this animal was to me. I would say it was:
I did not even have food. It was natural and unconditional and really spoke to me as a life lesson.
I can truly say this was a fun, and beautiful experience and the only feathers ruffled that day were Cookie's, when I was petting and massaging her, and when I stopped, she poked me and looked at me like
"Why are you stopping, bro?"
I give this birding life moment a solid 5 beaks out of 5.
I found this article/blog post today by someone who has written a lot and focused on birds, if you want to learn a little more about them.
Cockatoos as Pets
By Shelly Bohannon
Cockatoo’s make exceptional companion birds, if their needs and requirements are adaquately met. They are affectionate, funny, comical, mischievious and generally easy to get along with. Their requirements, however, are rather complex and many.
The key to a great Cockatoo as a companion bird is a great beginning. Cockatoo’s are known for becoming phobic and developing behavioral issues such as plucking and/or screaming. A study was done a few years ago by Dr. Brian Speer, DVM and associates that indicated that many of these phobic issues may be caused by the early weaning that is practiced by many breeders.³ In the wild, and also in captivitiy, if left alone, Cockatoo babies stay with their parents until the next breeding season. Thus, a year or slightly less. While the babies are certainly eating on their own a few weeks after fledging, they have also been observed being fed by their parents up until the next clutch is laid.
A properly raised, socialized and trained Cockatoo makes a wonderful companion. Cockatoo’s are noted for being very sweet, affectionate birds, with a voice that sounds a lot like "Cousin It". They are also known for being exceptionally cuddly birds that want to be “on” their people as much as possible. They have rightly earned their title of “Velcro Birds”. They love attention and affection and will generally like just about anybody that will pet them.
When raising Cockatoo babies the process is much the opposite then with Parrots and Macaws. With Parrot and Macaw babies you handle as much as possible. They are by nature independent and will generally learn to entertain themselves on their own. With Cockatoo babies you handle frequently, but just as frequently you must leave the Too baby in his/her cage or play area, without human interaction to encourage independence and the ability to entertain itself.
Alternately, an improperly handled, raised or spoiled Too can (and often does) become destructive, overly dependent, self-mutilators and/or screamers. Correct handling and meeting their dietary, exercise, activity and affection needs, is a must. Somewhat of an effort but most Too owners will agree, that their Too is well worth the effort!
Cockatoo’s are renown for their affectionate, cuddly nature, as well as being an energetic, playful and often silly bird. Most species of Cockatoo will learn to talk, and although they are not noted as particularly accomplished talkers, the “Cousin It” quality to their voices lends a humorous element to their speech. If you have never seen a Cockatoo ‘war dance’ or play ‘psycho bird’, your are certainly missing some great entertainment!
Thanks for reading, have a nice day.
Img Sources:, and other photos taken on my Samsung phone by Joanne with her kids that day on our zoo outing!
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If you feel my posts are undervalued or you want to donate to tip me - I would appreciate it very much.
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Ethereum (ETH) - 0x3Ad69Ff057C9533ca667B2d7E3E557F5eeFd4477
Ethereum Classic (ETC) - 0x5ab2b08d4ce8d454eb9d1ecc65c6d8b0c5f9784c
LiteCoin (LTC) - LKdsnvSXk9JW99EiNicFMGKc1FXiBo9tUE
DASH - XgZvsvSZgPkNbmGbRhc3S1Pt2JAc7QHwiS
PIVX - DA3azxQqJiX9t7EviuacpamfNhMi2zGAUh
Expanse (EXP) - 0x819b9cce8630ab638198eabfd7496786c20d629a
Monero (XMR) - d8ecb02c09f70ec10504b59b96bc1f488af28b05933893dfd1f55b113e23fbff
Stratis (STRAT) - SNsJp6v1jXvKWy4XcXSXfNQ9zhSJJppJgv
Synereo (AMP) - 1KnrL6wFHaT4gjJ2YJ5f6WmKTDJNsaBS8s
ZCash (ZEC) - t1aCPEYELkGaf3GtgGTiCEDo7XfPm4QEwmL