DROP, PLOP.....then just leave (spamming and leaving)

As the user base has increased so has a trend that is rather unsavory.....people making the rounds in Discord and on Steem who are completely inactive other than to come in numerous times a day drop a plop post then just leave, they never even bother to say hi..absolutely nothing. I understand people can "game" the system in certain ways but as thousands are coming in it will be interesting to see how this plays out.

While self promotion is good and reaching out is good there is a way to do it without being completely detached from the audience who is giving you in some cases, thousands of dollars while others literally spend hours helping out new people, the community etc..... It's great if you throw around that you were this or that but shitposting on things is seeming to be a growing trend. At a lot of points the majority ignore it but at some point like a buzzing Mosquito it's gonna get swatted.
Till next time Steem On and Yeah we got it on the 30th pic of your bowl of soup or a picture of a bug on a leaf :P
and if this post is too short or unformatted or whatever at least I am not sticking it in your feed 20 times a day...cheers!

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