IRMA, the name means War Goddess

We are having some interesting events in case anyone is really paying attention. There have been the Blood Moons, Eclipses and Star alignments. Then there are the storms! I want to dig a bit deeper and really put my tin foil hat on. Funny thing about some of us "tin foilers", we have been right about a lot of things. I am not wanting to get too much into religion but will say that I have studied the Torah and the Bible(with New Testament), Book of Enoch and Gematria. These series of events are falling in line with what I personally believe is happening.

Hurricane Irma, winds at 200 mph at times, it's so big it will swallow Florida. This is making Harvey look like the Beta test for what could be the worst recorded Hurricane in our lifetime. So, I looked up what the name Irma means and from the source, "", it says quote, " The name Irma is a German baby name. In German the meaning of the name Irma is: Universal, from the Old German 'irmin'. War goddess."endquote
It translates also into meaning Nobility which I found interesting and also the Numerology of the names meaning which give two numbers. One and Five, now what that means I think is up to personal interpretation but I have my own feelings about it which I will keep to myself.

Lots of events and attacks coincide with certain dates because it seems that some "societies"just love their numbers. I am thinking this September 11 ought to be a real treat! (being completely sarcastic and am basically waiting for it to start raining frogs by then). Many Steemians have been and are going to be affected by Irma so it may be a good time to reach out to people who are in the path of this freight train of a storm. On Discord, my name is the same and feel free to DM me on the network am putting together to at least remain in contact with others who might need assistance or at least a place for some news. :)

I also looked up other War Goddesses and stumbled upon Athena, the Goddess of War and Wisdom who often is depicted with her Owl and Bast/Sekhmet who is of Egyptian origin who is associated with War, Violence, Fire and Vengeance. These "ladies" are not exactly nice if angered if you read the Mythos surrounding them.


So, Mother Nature and maybe some much higher (or lower) seem to be at play and we get to sort it all out and hopefully not feel the wrath of "The War Goddess". I stumbled upon a nice little website that has a list of the Warrior Goddesses laid out such as Freya, Kali, Pele and many more.....

Okay Irma, seems you are literally Hell-Bent on wiping things out and there isn't much us mortals can do. Myself however, I'm going to stick to praying to God, the big cheese, numero Uno and hope you stay stuck in Mythology books with the other Harpies.

Stay safe and Steem-On!,


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