Please Allow Me to Introduce Myself...💥

I have been in a rather introverted phase lately. Realizing that reinventing yourself is quite a process. You can feel a bit lost or like you are bobbing around in a sea not sure exactly which way the tides will take you. I am not greedy and am not stingy and in my country that seems to be seen as a character defect. I don't hop from person to person which is seen as either being self absorbed or picky. I will go with being picky because at this stage of the game am refusing anything other than what I deserve. Having self-esteem and confidence is a funny thing, too much and you are a Narcissistic asshole and having too little you are a perpetual victim of your circumstances. People do not want to hear, You are where you are because of your decisions, or lack of.


So realizing that I am truly FREE and realizing that I need to re-introduce myself to the good in the world, let the bad face their justice and embrace the strength within that sometimes can be stifled. When the going can get tough the the tough get tougher. Having sadness or feeling a bit lost is normal and means we are Human. It is the times of being tossed around the Oceans of Emotion and Change that force us to Introduce our real selves to well ....ourselves.


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