$(Anal Retention is More Annoying then My Unformatted Format!)#

Everyone has a different style in the magical world of Steemit. I don't find that being anal retentive and giving unsolicited advice is any better than letting people write how they damn well want to. There are guilds and groups who will sit for hours having pissing contests about how to structure your blog.
This is YOUR blog, not theirs......period

This is an incentivized outlet and how YOU choose to use it is not up for debate in my personal opinion (which also means nothing so don't listen to me ;) ). People will think their work doesn't ever stink and feel compelled to give you unsolicited little pointers on how to do things. Get back to me in six months to see how many blowhards are still sticking around. Some say never stop posting or take breaks while others take time off and come back because imho, it is probably healthier to step away from the screen rather than becoming an anus retainus. <<<<(made up a word, oh noes!)

Some lecture on how to invest or shame people who power down because they have to take care of their own lives. Unless you are paying their bills (OR MINE), then STFU!
Others mean well but think that they are immune from having their wings clipped when they spout off on users because they feel like writing about whatever they freaking want to. If you are that concerned about how everyone else utilizes the platform you may be in dire need of unplugging and probably need to remove the log jammed up the area where the sun don't shine.
For me this is a great way to meet people, learn what you feel like learning and hopefully have fun on the ride.

I get more helpful "suggestions" about doing vlogs, dtube and going into business ventures then what I personally consider necessary. If your ideas and biz ventures are so amazing and guaranteed hits, then you do not need me, pure and simple. I do feel it is good to exercise caution if someone is giving away their amazing ideas for everyone to benefit from and wanting nothing in return..... (cough, bullsheeet).

@battleaxe (Politically, Socially and Grammatically Incorrect) <<<my LINE, sad I have to do that now but must mean all 3 of my followers like my verbal droppings...
check out my blog @battleaxe for for Absurd and Chaotic Musings! Whoah, I just realized I dropped my tag 3 times in a row, oh well :P <3 ;)

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