The 80/20 Rule


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20% of your efforts produce 80% of the result.

20% of your customers produce 80% of the profits.

20% of your clothes get 80% of the use.

20% of your friends make up 80% of your lepak time.

20% of your education get 80% of the implementation.

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As you can see, a minority of things make up the majority of the result.

The 80/20 rule (aka Pareto Principle) is a guide to understanding that.

It's a not a hard and fast 20%, it could be 30%, 10% or even 1%.

The point of it all is a small minority creates a disproportionate amount of the result.

How to use this in everyday life?

Ask - out of all things I could do, what are the “2-3 main things” that
makes the most amount of money / makes my relationships stronger together / creates the biggest impact on my health.



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Realize a small part of your daily roles generates most of the cash flow.

As a writer, only a few things matter - writing and promoting.

As an online marketer, only a few things matter - getting conversions.

As a business owner, only a few things matter - getting sales.

You can do a lot of work like admin work, customer service, etc...

But only a few key activities actually bring in the money / hit your KPI.



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Realize that only a few activities you do with your partner moves the relationship forward / makes the experience memorable.

For my relationship, it would be watching movies together, deep conversation, exploring unknown places together.

Cooking together and eating out - not so much.

Realize only a small group of your friends and family help create most of the happiness in your life.



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Realize that just a few small changes is all you need to live healthily.

  • Eating healthy (make sure you have only healthy food around you)
  • Exercise (sweat)
  • Practice gratitude and meditate (for the mind)

The 80/20 rule is great guide to identify the key crucial things you need to do that actually produces results.

Here’s what you can do today:

  • List down your to-do list
  • Rank the tasks by importance and urgency
  • Think - if I could only do one thing today that would make the rest of the day much easier, what would it be?
  • Pick that one thing
  • And do that

Cause often times, we try to do the 9 others (because they are easier) and have the No.1 thing nag in our minds for days and even weeks.

Not cool, homie. Not cool.

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