Why do successful people wear the same thing every day?

Have you thought about how much time you lose thinking what to wear each morning?


We miss so many precious moments because we are preoccupied with frivolous details like clothes. A tale will not change the world, it probably will not even change your day. Although it is a good tool to analyze sociologically the different cultures and epochs, we are becoming an excessively materialistic and superficial society.

The great American author Henry David Thoreau explained in this sense: "Our life is wasted by details. Simplify, simplify. " In essence, do not complicate yourself for the small. Make your life easier by concentrating on what is important. Many important people have adopted this philosophy in their daily routines.

Fatigue for decision-making Why do many CEOs and Presidents wear the same thing every day?

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Whether you want it or hate it, it's hard to argue against President Obama having the hardest job in the world. As the leader of the most powerful country in the world, it has much to solve. Therefore, no matter what he does he will always be criticized. Put simply, he has a lot of important things to think about beyond his closet.

This is precisely why he wears the same outfit every day. Well, almost every day, we can not forget the explosion that occurred on the internet when wearing a khaki suit. However, most of the time he wears a blue or gray suit. In an article by Michael Lewis for Vanity Fair, the President explained the logic behind this routine: "You will see that I wear only gray or blue suits. I am trying to diminish my choices. I do not want to have to choose what I like or seen, because I have many other important decisions to make. "

As Stuart Heritage puts it to The Guardian: "Barack Obama has reduced his wardrobe to the point where he can confidently face any situation and make decisions that directly impact the future of mankind

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