Who can remember drive in theatres?

I wonder how many people remember the drive-in?  We used to go every Friday night, as there was no television in South Africa yet.   To us it was a wonderful outing. I use to pack a picnic basket with all the nice things everyone loved to eat. My only problem was that my daughter @giantbear had to be fed before we go.   

For some reason she had to sleep before we left, as she could not watch the movie on the screen. She had motion sickness, and you can imagine that mess if if she did not sleep early enough. Her younger brother @jacor used to fall asleep on the way to the movie.


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For those who don’t know, what I’m talking about, a drive-in theatre was where you parked your car, and put the speaker in the window, so you had sound for the movie. We use to put pillows and blankets in the back of the car, and made a bed for the kids to sleep. Those were wonderful days, because you could go out with your kids and no worries that they were unsafe. We also did not need to hire a baby sitter and worry the whole night. 

I often miss those days when were still together. Yet we know that we have wonderful kids and they gave us wonderful grandchildren that we cannot be more proud of. This just make you realize that somewhere we as parents did something right. 

My son @jacor has two little girls and my daughter @giantbear, has two sons. What more can we ask for? These memories will be in my heart forever. I have been married for 47 years, and often think of the wonderful times we had as parents of these two young kids.     


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